Tuesday 14th January 2025

As the athletic project continues for the track and football stadium, the tornado shelter was a different project and the school was waiting to hear back from FEMA for funding.  Yesterday the Marshalltown School district announced they will receive $3.4 million from FEMA and The Iowa Department Homeland Security for the Marshalltown High School Stadium Complex.  This will be a structure that will go up on the West side of the field.  It will be locker rooms for the teams but also serve as a severe weather structure, concessions stand, and restrooms.  The total cost for the project is $3.9 million, the Marshalltown Community School District will cover the remaining costs using Statewide School Infrastructure Sales and Service Tax.  The estimated time of completion of the safe room will be spring of 2025.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB