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Thomas Rhett admittedly isn’t the BEST fisherman out there, in fact he had a pretty bad fly fishing mishap earlier this year … “Well, I’d had three or four Miller Lights, let’s just preface it with that. And I was trying to cast into the wind, and I’m not a super-experienced fly fisherman, and so, when I casted back and went forward, the wind took it and just whipped it right into the back of my leg.” He DID however thank Miller Lite for not making it as painful as it could have been.
You probably wouldn’t believe it to HEAR it but Walker Hayes says he was inspired by a very special person the gospel side of Randy Travis. “I notice that set him apart for me. But really just that identifiable voice. Yeah, I just love the guys voice and his demeanor was very calm to me and his music was. So, yeah love the guy.”
Entertainment Tonight says Sam Hunt and Hannah Lee Fowler are the proud parents of a new baby girl named Lucy Lu. Sam was performing at the Ryman when he said, “I recently had a baby girl named Lucy Lu. I think being out here, and in the music business and being out on the road, has sort of hardened my heart. My heart’s definitely a lot harder in a lot of ways since I left that small town. It’s amazing how that little girl melted that all away overnight a couple of weeks ago.”
Paramount Pictures CEO Brian Robbins was recently doing an interview with Variety magazine when he joked about making a third Top Gun movie. ”Let’s see where we are 35 years from now. I don’t want to speculate. This is an incredible run. The sky is the limit for this movie.”
Kid Rock tells Fox News that he is open to running for a political office. “One day, if I ever thought – if I was bored, sitting around – really thought I could serve my county and help them out, stir things up a little bit and do what’s right, I’d have to take a hard look at it”
Aaron Rodgers says he “definitely” plans to retire as a Green Bay Packer. He also recently said the end could be near. Quote, “The older you get, the interests change, and the grind, I think, wears on you a little more.”
You can catch The List, weekdays at 2:20 and 4:20 on Iowa’s BEST Country KIX 101.1