Wednesday 26th March 2025

Name: Jeff
Hometown: State Center
Brothers/Sisters: Older Sister (Tressa)
Pets: Yellow Lab (Sven)
When did you start at KIX 101.1: February 12th, 2005
One thing you could not live without: pliers and pocket knife
What is your favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
If you weren’t in radio, what would you be: A Farmer
Favorite vacation spot: Not one spot, but I love to cruise.
Guilty pleasure: Busch Light
Name one bad habit you wish you could break: Biting fingernails
Biggest pet peeve: Things that cost to much money
What was one of your most memorable radio moments: Hugging Reba McIntire!
Favorite food: Steak
What movie do you HAVE to watch if you see it on TV: Shawshank
Favorite song: Where the Green Grass Grows (Tim McGraw)
If you could meet one person, who would it be: Living (George Strait) Deceased (My Great Grandpa)
What phrase do others say you use too much: “Oh Man” – “In Marshalltown”
Celebrity crushes: Avril Lavigne, Shania Twain
Favorite month of the year? June
Is the glass half-full or half empty: Half-Full
Dream Car: 1950’s Chevy pickup
The world would not be the same without what: My wife and two kids.