Wednesday 26th March 2025


With 20 years managing music stores. Working for stores like The Record Shop, Warehouse Entertainment, Musicland, and Sam Goody. The last 2 years of this career was running the Sam Goody at Marshalltown mall. Until it closed in 2006. Keith joined the staff at Kix in 2004 just a few months after transferring in from Des Moines to Marshalltown.

What I’m not working I’ll probably be at the dog park with my dog, Diamond.

Age: over 50
Hometown: Oelwein IA
Brothers/Sisters: two older brothers and one younger brother
Pet: dog named Diamond
When did you start at KIX 101.1:  September 2004
One thing you could not live without: my cell phone
Worst job: assistant manager at a 24 hour restaurant
What is your favorite TV Show: the voice
If you weren’t in radio, what would you be: driving around putting out cake
Favorite vacation spot: let’s go to Vegas
Guilty pleasure: watching way too much TV
Biggest pet peeve: distracted drivers
Favorite food: pizza
What movie do you HAVE to watch if you see it on TV: My Cousin Vinny
Coke or Pepsi: Diet Dr Pepper
Favorite song: colder weather by Zac Brown Band
If you could meet one person, who would it be: Prince
Celebrity crushes: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Favorite month of the year? May
Is the glass half-full or half empty: 3/4 full
Dream Car: a brand new car not one previously used
The world would not be the same without what: hammer and nails