Super Shine Mastermind
It’s time to clear your mind with the
Super Shine Mastermind!
Every weekday at 3:20pm Jonathan Knight is going to ask a question that you need to figure out the
answer to.
On the line is a Deluxe Car Wash from Super Shine Car Wash.
Are you a Mastermind?
We’ll find out just how sharp you are!…. or not!
Get ready for Super Shine Mastermind, it’s brought to you by Super Shine Car Wash, the most advanced car wash in Marshalltown & Ames!
102 Iowa Avenue East & 919 North 3rd Avenue in Marshalltown
3706 Stange Road in Ames
Today’s Question: “24% of at-home workers do this during their workday. What is it?”
Answer: have an alcoholic drink
Congratulations: Terry from Traer
Today’s Question: “63% of job applicants do this while on a job interview even though they shouldn’t. What is it?”
Answer: chew gum
Congratulations: Alana from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “16% of fathers say they never want to receive this as a gift. What is it?”
Answer: coffee mug
Congratulations: Nancy from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “80% of women own one of these. What is it?”
Answer: little black dress
Congratulations: David from Albion
Today’s Question: “50% of women keep this in their purse. What is it?”
Answer: a mirror
Congratulations: Deb from Ames
Today’s Question: “60% of people have embarrassed themselves by doing this when working out. What is it?”
Answer: tooted
Congratulations: Randi from Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “48% of women would end a relationship if their partner had this. What is it?”
Answer: bad breath
Congratulations: Lyle from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “42% of women have trouble cooking this? What is it?”
Answer: Pasta (spaghetti)
Congratulations: Breanna from Reynolds
Today’s Question: “75% of women have tried doing this in the past year. What is it?”
Answer: have tried a diet
Congratulations: Maddi from Dows
Today’s Question: “The average woman spends 21 minutes a day doing this. What is it?”
Answer: applying makeup
Congratulations: Brian from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “18% of men have had a romantic dream about this person. Who is it?”
Answer: former teacher
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “33% of people have never done this in the Winter. What is it?”
Answer: built a snowman
Congratulations: Dee in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “24% of people do this after they have eaten too much . What is it?”
Answer: unbutton their pants
Congratulations: Trevor in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “23% of parents do this for their child on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: pack them a lunch
Congratulations: Amy from Urbandale
Today’s Question: “37% of families will eat this during the week. What is it?”
Answer: TV dinner
Congratulations: Wayne from Boone
Today’s Question: “10% of people track how many calories they burn after doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Doin the WILD thang…
Congratulations: Marla from Ames
Today’s Question: “38% of men have a lucky one of these. What is it?”
Answer: shirt
Congratulations: Tom from Montour
Today’s Question: “4% of people hate it when other drivers do this to them. What is it?”
Answer: flash their ‘brights’ at them
Congratulations: Calista from Steamboat Rock
Today’s Mindbender: “52% of dogs know this word. What is it?”
Answer: ‘cookie’
Congratulations: Carissa from Mystic
Today’s Question: “23% of people, who have one of these, kiss it on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: their plants
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “15% of tattooed people have a tattoo of this on their body. What is it?”
Answer: their pet
Congratulations: Becky in Boone
Today’s Question: “6% of singles never discuss this on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: their salary
Congratulations: Dave from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “23% of dogs dislike it when their owner does this to them. What is it?”
Answer: brush their teeth
Congratulations: Mark from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Eating this shortens your life expectancy by six minutes. What is it?”
Answer: bacon
Congratulations: Chris from Newton
Today’s Question: “50% of people do this on vacation even though they shouldn’t. What is it?”
Answer: check work Emails
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “13% of baby boomers (ages 59 to 77) have at least one of these. What is it?”
Answer: a tattoo
Congratulations: Callie from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “43% of kids played this game as a child. What is it?”
Answer: Hide And Seek
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “A majority of women say they should stop wearing this at age 43? What is it?”
Answer: Crop top
Congratulations: Frank from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of young kids dislike eating this. What is it?”
Answer: peas
Congratulations: Mark from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “52% of people have dipped their pizza in this. What is it?”
Answer: ketchup
Congratulations: Brian from Toledo
Today’s Question: “16% of people have left one job for another because of this. What is it?”
Answer: better health insurance
Congratulations: Andrew in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “19% of people use their phone to look this up. What is it?”
Answer: recipes
Congratulations: Dick in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “18% of parents want their children to learn how to do this. What is it?”
Answer: play the piano
Answer: ice cream
Congratulations: Donny from Ellsworth
Today’s Question: “35% of people say this is their biggest guilty pleasure food. What is it?”
Answer: ice cream
Congratulations: Kyle from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “11% of people do this while driving. What is it?”
Answer: smoke a cigarette
Congratulations: Rob from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “28% of people say they feel like an adult after they do this. What is it?”
Answer: Buy a home
Congratulations: Diane from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “21% of drivers have no idea how to do this in their car. What is it?”
Answer: turn on cruise control
Congratulations: Deb from Ames
Today’s Question: “This is the number #1 thing people toss out when they move from one home to one another. What is it?”
Answer: Books or Magazines
Congratulations: Tom in Montour
Today’s Question: “61% of women never leave the house without this on. What is it?”
Answer: concealer
Congratulations: Terri from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing people stain their carpet with. What is it?”
Answer: Wine
Congratulations: Emmy from Knoxville
Today’s Question: “Honesty is the top trait singles seek in a partner. Humor is second. What is the third?”
Answer: a good job
Congratulations: Shannon from Bondurant
Today’s Question: “35% of singles say it is attractive when another single has this in their home. What is it?”
Answer: houseplants
Congratulations: Amy from Alden
Today’s Mindbender: “The average person would rather gain 14 pounds than give this up. What is it?”
Answer: beer
Congratulations: David from Bangor
Today’s Question: “10% of people haven’t replaced this in their home in 20 years. What is it?”
Answer: mattress
Congratulations: Jeff from Conrad
Today’s Question: “76% of people base their first impression of someone on this. What is it?”
Answer: Their smile
Congratulations: Jill from Pella
Today’s Question: “41% of workers have drank this in the afternoon for an energy boost. What is it?”
Answer: tea
Congratulations: Joe from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “72% of people do this when they go to bed. What is it?”
Answer: turn on a night light
Congratulations: Gary in Grinnell
Today’s Question: “44% of people say this is their biggest public bathroom pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: thin toilet paper
Congratulations: Jill from Albion
Today’s Question: “17% of people would rather swim with sharks than do this. What is it?”
Answer: Pay taxes
Congratulations: Dave from Collins
Today’s Question: “35% of people say this is their favorite breakfast side dish. What is it?”
Answer: sausage
Congratulations: Paula from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Only 25% of people would be upset if they lost this. What is it?”
Answer: wedding ring
Congratulations: Trish from Legrand
Today’s Question: “44% of women say this is part of a perfect date night. What is it?”
Answer: dancing
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “12% of people think it is wrong when a person uses a knife and fork to cut this. What is it?”
Answer: spaghetti
Congratulations: Adam in Montezuma
Today’s Question: “5% of people have done this while watching an NFL game. What is it?”
Answer: punched a wall
Congratulations: Marla from Ames
Today’s Question: “64% of single men admit they don’t know how to do this. What is it?”
Answer: Don’t know how to dance
Congratulations: Amber from Garwin
Today’s Question: “41% of people have borrowed money to buy this. What is it?”
Answer: Xmas gifts
Congratulations: Rick from Newton
Today’s Question: “29% of people say they’d forgo buying this for a year in exchange for a squeaky-clean home. What is it?”
Answer: new clothes
Congratulations: Stephanie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “5% of women never go on a date without this. What is it?”
Answer: makeup/lipstick
Congratulations: Denise from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “30% of people wash this once a month. What is it?”
Answer: their dog
Congratulations: Stacy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “10% of people do this before grocery shopping. What is it?”
Answer: eat
Congratulations: Tom from Beaman
Today’s Question: “The average person will spend $25 on these during the holidays. What is it?”
Answer: gift cards
Congratulations: Katie from State Center
Today’s Question: “People, who drink more than five glasses of this a week have a 17% lower risk of catching the coronavirus. What is it?”
Answer: wine
Congratulations: Denise from Monroe
Today’s Question: “27% of people will try to improve their health by trying this at some point this year. What is it?”
Answer: meditate
Congratulations: John from Luzerne
Today’s Question: “13% of couples sleep in different rooms because one person does this. What is it?”
Answer: steals the covers
Congratulations: Tom from Montour
Today’s Question: “50% of people do this every time their favorite team plays. What is it?”
Answer: wears a team jersey
Congratulations: Curt from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “74% of women wear this on a date. What is it?”
Answer: makeup
Congratulations: Mike from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “65% of people say this is the first thing they do when they get home from work. What is it?”
Answer: have a drink (wine)
Congratulations: Ron from State Center
Today’s Question: “12% of women do this before a night out. What is it?”
Answer: Get a tan
Congratulations: Dee from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “42% of people know eight of these by heart. What is it?”
Answer: recipes
Congratulations: Brad from Ackley
Today’s Question: “44% of parents say they and their spouse did this more before having kids. What is it?”
Answer: date nights
Congratulations: Brenda from Tama
Today’s Question: “A public park is the top outdoor date location. What’s second?”
Answer: zoo
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “50% of people wait for their partner to leave their home before doing this. What is it?”
Answer: adjusting their thermostat
Congratulations: Brenda from Newton
Today’s Question: “4% of married couples met here. Where is it?”
Answer: church
Congratulations: Scott in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Doing this relaxing activity burns 140 calories. What is it?”
Answer: taking a bubble bath
Congratulations: Deb in Toledo
Today’s Question: “5% of people have faked a sick day to do this. What is it?”
Answer: binge watch a show
Congratulations: Nichole from Toledo
Today’s Question: “80% of people say this is their biggest grocery store pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: people that sample fruit like grapes
Congratulations: Jennifer from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the top gift boys want for Xmas. What is it?”
Answer: Legos
Congratulations: Donny from Ellsworth
Today’s Question: “This can be found at the gym and has 362 times more bacteria than a toilet seat in a public bathroom. What is it?”
Answer: free weights
Congratulations: Nancy from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “28% of men ask for help when doing this during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: putting together a toy or other gift
Congratulations: Wayne from Boone
Today’s Question: “51% of people plan to improve their health next year by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: eat more fruits and veggies
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of people will break their diet with this during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: chocolate
Congratulations: LuAnn from Tama
Today’s Question: “Candles are the most regifted item during the holiday season. What’s the second most regifted item?”
Answer: books
Congratulations: Marge from Albion
Today’s Question: “23% of people have purchased a last minute holiday gift here. Where is it?”
Answer: gas station
Congratulations: Adam from Newton
Today’s Question: “Women say lingerie is the top thing they don’t want for Christmas. What’s the second?”
Answer: slippers
Congratulations: Alana from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “31% of people do this for their dog before leaving the house. What is it?”
Answer: turn on the radio
Congratulations: Gary from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “A recent study says eating this fruit may minimize facial wrinkles. What fruit is it?”
Answer: mango
Congratulations: Patty from State Center
Today’s Question: “A surprising 14% of people say they dislike this dish and won’t eat it at their Thanksgiving dinner. What is it?”
Answer: Mac and Cheese
Congratulations: Sheila from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “45% of women are not attracted to men that have this. What is it?”
Answer: combover
Congratulations: Kathy from Toledo
Today’s Question: “33% of people go back for seconds for this on Thanksgiving. What is it?”
Answer: stuffing
Congratulations: Marla from Ames
Today’s Question: “29% of people bought this during the pandemic, but now no longer use it. What is it?”
Answer: workout equipment
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “40% of women love the Fall because they make this from scratch. What is it?”
Answer: soup
Congratulations: Kari from Hudson
Today’s Question: “53% of women say this is the most stressful thing they buy? What is it?”
Answer: jeans
Congratulations: Ashley from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “47% of people say this is the worst part of the upcoming holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: washing dishes after dinner
Congratulations: Paige from W. Des Moines
Today’s Question: “80% of pet owners have done this at least one time for their pet. What is it?”
Answer: throw them a birthday party
Congratulations: Andrew from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “64% of couples share their password for this. What is it?”
Answer: their phone
Congratulations: Toshia from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “26% of parents steal this from their child’s Halloween bag. What is it?”
Answer: Snickers bar
Congratulations: Debbie from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “35% of people plan to celebrate Halloween by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: watch a horror film
Congratulations: Tom from Montour
Today’s Question: “30% of people have lied when filling this out. What is it?”
Answer: dating profile
Congratulations: David from Union
Today’s Question: “36% of parents say this is the top snack they are now buying for their kids. What is it?”
Answer: granola bars
Congratulations: Lori from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “15% of people will celebrate Halloween by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: go to a haunted house
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “49% of people won’t date someone, who has this. What is it?”
Answer: debt
Congratulations: Katie from State Center
Today’s Question: “The average person spends $9,454 on this over the course of their life. What is it?”
Answer: Kleenex
Congratulations: Mark from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “17% of online daters get annoyed when other online daters post pics of themselves doing this. What is it?”
Answer: working out
Congratulations: Trystan from Waterloo
Today’s Question: “48% of people don’t use this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: mouthwash
Congratulations: Kyle from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “21% of people have done this after drinking. What is it?”
Answer: get a tattoo
Congratulations: Curt from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “The average person spends one hour and 12 minutes a week doing this. What is it?”
Answer: laundry
Congratulations: Jim from Pella
Today’s Question: “54% of people do this on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: chew gum
Congratulations: David from Collins
Today’s Question: “32% of teens and young adults regret buying this on a whim? What is it?”
Answer: video games
Congratulations: Jenna from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “53% of people say their pet has chewed on this. What is it?”
Answer: Electrical wires
Congratulations: Lynn from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “41% of women say this is their most prized possession. What is it?”
Answer: wedding dress
Congratulations: Blake from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “11% of people have done this on a Zoom call. What is it?”
Answer: day drinking
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “46% of women wear these even though people frown upon them. What is it?”
Answer: yoga pants
Congratulations: David from Bangor
Today’s Question: “Only 15% of women are responsible for this chore. What is it?”
Answer: landscaping/mowing the lawn
Congratulations: Kathy from Toledo
Today’s Question: “The average father is gifted with 35 of these over the course of his life. What is it?”
Answer: 35 pairs of socks
Congratulations: Wayne from Boone
Today’s Question: “43% of people have done this to try and de-stress. What is it?”
Answer: taken a yoga class
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “13% of people top their hot dogs with this. What is it?”
Answer: jalapenos
Congratulations: Nate from Gillman
Today’s Question: “32% of people say visiting this far-off location is on their bucket list. Where is it?” (made of cheese)
Answer: the Moon
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “25% of families no longer play this game because it causes fights. What is it?”
Answer: Scrabble
Congratulations: Dan from Newton
Today’s Question: “30% of people wash this once a month. What is it?”
Answer: their dog
Congratulations: Jasmin from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “34% of women would ditch this for life in order to have perfect skin. What is it?”
Answer: their favorite streaming subscription
Congratulations: Snofawn from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “Only 2% of women think this looks good on a man. What is it?”
Answer: Man Bun
Congratulations: Kevin from Dallas
Today’s Question: “This household item contains 10 million germs. What is it?”
Answer: toothbrush
Congratulations: Joni from Guernsey
Today’s Question: “34% of women do this before going on vacation. What is it?”
Answer: go tanning
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average man wears this 13 times before washing it. What is it?”
Answer: pajamas
Congratulations: Joey from Carlisle
Today’s Question: “44% of people say doing this has become the ‘highlight’ of their week. What is it?”
Answer: grocery shopping
Congratulations: Marla from Ames
Today’s Question: “20% of at-home workers say this is the thing they miss most about going into the office. What is it?” (2 for 1)
Answer: going to Happy Hour
Congratulations: Gayle from Garwin
Today’s Question: “People say this is the top sign they have reached middle age. What is it?”
answer: feeling stiff
Congratulations: Michael from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “21% of insomniacs would give up this in order to get a good night’s sleep. What is it?”
Answer: their car
Congratulations: Dawn from State Center
Today’s Question: “40% of people fidget with this when driving. What is it?”
Answer: Navigation app or system
Congratulations: Denise from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “26% of people look this up on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: a recipe
Congratulations: Trish from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “43% of people never clean this. What is it?”
Answer: computer keyboard
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “49% of college students will do this at least once during this school year. What is it?”
Answer: pull an all-nighter
Congratulations: Jake from Malcomb
Today’s Question: “66% of people are self-conscious when they do this in front of others. What is it?”
Answer: exercise at a health club
Congratulations: Denise from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of women dont like guys who wear this. What is it?”
Answer: tight jeans/skinny jeans
Congratulations: Jill from Albion
Today’s Question: “The average dog does this four times a day. What is it?”
Answer: passes gas
Congratulations: Jessica from Gillman
Today’s Question: “29% of people say this is the top vegetable they hated as a child, but now like as an adult. What is it?”
Answer: asparagus
Congratulations: John from Luzurne
Today’s Question: “37% of people keep this in their car. What is it?”
Answer: ice scraper
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “73% of women love it when a guy has this physical feature. What is it?”
Answer: stubble
Congratulations: Connie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “70% of eaters annoy others when they do this at an event, party or gathering. What is it?”
Answer: double dip
Congratulations: Paul from Tama
Today’s Question: “The average parent yells THIS WORD five times while instructing their teen on how to drive. What is it?”
Answer: STOP or (brake)
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “26% of women have cut down on buying this because of inflation and the poor economy. What is it?”
Answer: shoes
Congratulations: Larissa from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “The average person burns 1,316 calories a month in their bedroom by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: making their bed
Congratulations: Kyle from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “10% of people say they never get tired of eating this. What is it?” (one of the best smells)
Answer: Bacon
Congratulations: Wayne in Boone
Today’s Question: “38% of people plan to get healthier by cutting down on this. What is it?” (they forgot the straw)
Answer: eating fast food
Congratulations: Alannah from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “The average mother spends 153 hours a year doing this for their kids. What is it?” (once again around the park)
Answer: chauffeuring her children
Congratulations: Jacob from Nevada
Today’s Question: “14% of people say this is their top place in their house for hiding things like snacks and gifts. What is it?”
Answer: under a couch
Congratulations: Sterling from Las Vegas
Today’s Question: “15% of men have done this while on the toilet. What is it?”
Answer: watched a movie
Congratulations: Brenda from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “36% of people say they feel guilty if they do this when dining out. What is it?”
Answer: order two desserts
Congratulations: John from Dows
Today’s Question: 62% Of people are overwhelmed by this: What is it?
Answer: Passwords or logins
Congratulations: Dan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “55% of dog owners do this when their dog gets mad at them. What is it?”
Answer: belly rub
Congratulations: Martin from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “41% of people have borrowed money to buy this. What is it?”
Answer: Xmas gifts
Congratulations: Brandon from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “11% of people have gotten up in the middle of the night to snack on this. What is it?”
Answer: popcorn
Congratulations: Mike from Grimes
Today’s Question: “28% of people have to hide their candy and snacks from this person. Who is it?”
Answer: roommate
Congratulations: Chuck from Cedar Falls
Today’s Question: “51% of people like to see pictures of this on a person’s dating profile. What is it?” (Getting Away)
Answer: travel and vacation pics
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question:“62% of people do this every morning because they believe it is good for them and improves their health. What is it?”
Answer: drink green tea
Congratulations: Sara from Monroe
Today’s Question: “21% of people have tried to make themselves smell better by rubbing this on themselves. What is it?”
Answer: dryer sheets
Congratulations: Lana from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “34% of at-home workers say this is the thing they miss most about going into an office. What is it?”
Answer: going for Happy Hour
Congratulations: Scott in New Sharon
Today’s Question: “26% of people say this is the worst chocolate candy because of it’s consistency. What is it?”
Answer: Milk Duds
Congratulations: Pam from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “31% of men try to improve their appearance by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: dye their hair
Congratulations: Kelly from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “11% of kids dream about being this when they grow up. What is it?”
Answer: a pilot
Congratulations: Mark from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “25% of dogs have eaten this. What is it?”
Answer: rock
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “31% of people have done this to themselves while doing a home improvement project. What is it?”
Answer: zapped themselves
Congratulations: Blair from Eldora
Today’s Question: “The average person eats 30 pounds of this per year. What is it?”
Answer: French fries
Congratulations: Tom from Beaman
Today’s Question: “58% of dogs do this in their sleep. What is it?”
Answer: bark during a dream
Congratulations: Terrie from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “68% of people would rather dump their partner than give up this. What is it?”
Answer: bacon
Congratulations: AJ from Monticello
Today’s Question: “15% of people do this every other day even though they should be doing it every day. What is it?” (wet)
Answer: shower
Congratulations: Todd from Union
Today’s Question: “31% of people have streamed their favorite show while attending this. What is it?”
Answer: A Wedding
Congratulations: Ben from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “19% of people left this at home when they went on vacation. What is it?”
Answer: bathing suit
Congratulations: Darrin from Albion
Today’s Question: “23% of people top their pizza with this. What is it?”
Answer: Ranch dressing
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “86% of gamers have suffered this injury while playing video games. What is it?”
Answer: neck sprain
Congratulations: Dave from Collins
Today’s Question “41% of people say this is the thing they like smelling most in the Summer. What is it?” (mmm coconutty)
Answer: suntan lotion
Congratulations: Marla from Ames
Today’s Question: “This is the most popular dessert on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: apple pie (29%)
Congratulations: Gary from Hampton
Today’s Question: “37% of people add this to their coffee. What is it?”
Answer: alcohol
Congratulations: Brian from Toledo
Today’s Question: “13% of people do this when their partner snores. What is it?”
Answer: kick them
Congratulations: Amber from Garwin
Today’s Question: “43% of adults loved doing this as a kid. What is it?”
Answer: watching cartoons on Saturday morning
Congratulations: Heidi from Newton
Today’s Question: “46% of people have purchased this for their dog. What is it?”
Answer: sweater
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “48% of people do this while they are by themselves in the car. What is it?”
Answer: talk to themselves
Congratulations: Mary from Iowa Falls
Today’s Question: “56% of people brag to their family and friends about this. What is it?”
Answer: getting a great deal and bargain
Congratulations: Terry from Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “22% of people buy this before going on vacation. What is it?”
Answer: suntan lotion
Congratulations: Josh from Garwin
Today’s Question: “Only 5% of fathers want this for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: coffee mug
Congratulations: Curt from Garwin
Today’s Question: “This is the top food that people should avoid on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: Clams
Congratulations: Dave in Conrad
Today’s Question: “35% of fathers want this for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: a steak
Congratulations: Jeff from Conrad
Today’s Question: “84% of people won’t date someone, who has this. What is it?”
Answer: opposing political views
Congratulations: Dave from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “11% of people have done this in the nude while at home. What is it?”
Answer: shopped online (while naked)
Congratulations: Kevin from Dallas
Today’s Question: “35% of people say this is the most romantic thing their partner can do? What is it?”
Answer: breakfast in bed
Congratulations: AJ from Monticello
Today’s Question: “21% of men are considering getting this to improve their appearance. What is it?”
Answer: Botox
Congratulations: Addison from Ames
Today’s Question: “4% of people have done this while driving. What is it?”
Answer: read a book
Congratulations: Kyle from Tama
Today’s Question: “4% of pet owners do this on vacation as a way of letting their pet know they are thinking about them. What is it?”
Answer: send them a postcard
Congratulations: Chris from Newton
Today’s Question: “During the past school year, college students did this 3-5 times a week. What is it?”
Answer: ate fast food
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
“Today’s Question: “50% of men have worn these because they think it makes them look smarter and clever. What is it?”
Answer: glasses
Congratulations: Lyle from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “9% of dogs have chewed on this. What is it?”
Answer: underwear
Congratulations: Kevin from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “76% of women know how to check this on their car. What is it?”
Answer: coolant
Congratulations: Rosemary from Iowa Falls
Today’s Question: “The average woman buys two of these every year. What is it?”
Answer: pairs of sandals
Congratulations: Clint from Newton
Today’s Question: “This is used 34% more during the school year than the Summer. What is it?” (HIT THE KILL BUTTON)
Answer: snooze button
Congratulations: Jim from State Center
Today’s Question: “33% of women would give up this for a year in order to look younger. What is it?”
Answer: social media
Congratulations: Calista from Steamboat Rock
Today’s Question: “10% of women have almost crashed their car while wearing these. What is it?”
Answer: flip flops
Congratulations: Deb from Ames
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing that puts women in a bad mood in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: bad hair day
Congratulations: Josh from Laurel
Today’s Question: “11% of teens want to buy this as Summer is starting. What is it?”
Answer: new sneakers
Congratulations: Sara in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “52% of people almost always do this when they get home from work. What is it?”
Answer: have a glass of wine
Congratulations: Sandra from Newton
Today’s Mindbender: “31% of women say their husband is terrible at THIS…what is it?
Answer: ironing
Congratulations: Mark from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Women say their partner’s two biggest immaturities are passing gas and burping. What’s the third?”
Answer: eating fast food
Congratulations: Terry from Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “46% of women have improved their appearance by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Getting highlights in their hair
Congratulations: Terrie from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “13% of female office workers suffer from this. What is it?”
Answer: bunions
Congratulations: Barbie from Toledo
Today’s Question: “14% of people have at least one of these. What is it?”
Answer: tattoo
Congratulations: Kim from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “50% of men do this before going on vacation. What is it?”
Answer: go on a diet
Congratulations: Melissa from Lynnville
Today’s Question: “33% of adults shout at this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Their computer/computer screen
Congratulations: Diane from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “25% of women have owned a pair of these. What is it?”
Answer: Uggs
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “Sales of these rise in the Spring as people try and get in shape for the Summer beach and pool season. What is it?”
Answer: salads
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “Having this makes you 20% more attractive. What is it?”
Answer: bright, white teeth
Congratulations: Todd from Iowa Falls
Today’s Question: “5% of people try and look younger by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Botox
Congratulations: Sarah from Monroe
Today’s Question: “15% of men have bought this prior to a date. What is it?”
Answer: new linens/bed sheets
Congratulations: Shelly from Traer
Today’s Question: “5% of women never go on a date without this. What is it?”
Answer: makeup/lipstick
Congratulations: Samantha from Ames
Today’s Question: “40% of people have these lying around their house even though they no longer use them. What is it?”
Answer: compact discs
Congratulations: Evan from Victor
Today’s Question: “31% of adults check this four to five times every week. What is it?”
Answer: kid’s social media accounts
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “52% of women say this is the first thing they look at when meeting a man for the first time. What is it?”
Answer: his fingernails\
Congratulations: Carrie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average person eats 10-12 pounds of this every year. What is it?”
Answer: chocolate
Congratulations: Darin from Otley
Today’s Question: “The average woman will own 310 of these over the course of her life. What is it?”
Answer: skirts
Congratulations: Tom from Montour
Today’s Question: “The average person does this 162 times a week. What is it?” (no stamps required)
Answer: send/receive an Email
Congratulations: Gary from Newton
Today’s Question: “18% of men say this is the happiest moment of their life. What is it?”
Answer: their favorite team wins a championship
Congratulations: Trish from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “64% of American men have this physical feature. 40% of Canadian men have it. What is it?”
Answer: facial hair
Congratulations: Kathy from Laurel
Today’s Question: “90% of couples go to sleep without doing this. What is it?”
Answer: say ‘I love you’
Congratulations: Lori from Baxter
Today’s Question: “27% of backseat drivers tell their driver they are doing this. What is it?”
Answer: going the wrong way
Congratulations: Tom from Webster City
Today’s Question: “90% of young women have done this to improve their appearance. What is it?”
Answer: whitening teeth
Congratulations: Shawn from Conrad
Today’s Question: “Men are three times more likely than women to lie about this. What is it?”
Answer: their salary
Congratulations: Mike from Ankeny
Today’s Question: “50% of people believe men, who have this, have an advantage in job interviews over men, who don’t have it. What is it?”
Answer: full head of hair
Congratulations: Nancy from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “60% of single women prefer to date a man, who has this. What is it?”
Answer: college degree
Congratulations: Chris from Newton
Today’s Question: “7% of married women won’t allow their husband to wear this because they think he is too old for it. What is it?”
Answer: a hoodie
Congratulations: Deb from Toledo
Today’s Question: “21% of women do this before working out. What is it?
Answer: apply lipstick
Congratulations: Clifton from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “33% of single women are turned off by a man, who has this. What is it?”
Answer: a beard
Congratulations: Brain from Toledo
Today’s Question: “20% of at-home workers do this during their workday. What is it?”
Answer: play video games
Congratulations: James from Eldora
Today’s Question: “This happens to red cars more than any other cars. What is it?”
Answer: red cars get hit with bird droppings more than any other colored car.
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “16% of workers have this on their desk at work. What is it?”
Answer: candy jar
Congratulations: Stacy from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “6% of adults won’t date someone if their teeth have this. What is it?”
Answer: braces
Congratulations: Jim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “10% of people do this before grocery shopping. What is it?”
Answer: eat
Congratulations: Curt from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “Women say this is the top thing that starts arguments between them and their partner at the beginning and end of each day. What is it?”
Answer: leaving a wet towel all over…
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “33% of women don’t do this when they are running late in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: don’t shave their legs
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “12% of people will eat this even when it is stale. What is it?”
Answer: Peeps
Congratulations: Trina from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “44% of men say this is the first thing they notice when meeting a woman. What is it?”
Answer: her hair
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “32% of men never do this before leaving the house in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: make the bed
Congratulations: Kyle from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “59% of people get stressed when they go here. Where is it?”
Answer: airports
Congratulations: Wayne from Boone
Today’s Question: “People say this is the top thing that says a person’s home is dirty. What is it?”
Answer: cobwebs
Congratulations: Tom from Montour
Today’s Question: “42% of people have never done this in the Winter. What is it?”
Answer: go skiing
Congratulations: Chase from Huxley
Today’s Question: “14.3% of people say they dislike this comfort food. What is it?”
Answer: Mac N Cheese
Congratulations: Joe from Carlisle
Today’s Question: “66% of people don’t want their spouse or partner to see this. What is it?”
Answer: their computer browser history
Congratulations: Tracey from State Center
Today’s Question: “27% of dog owners do this on a daily basis. What is it?” (Hoover it)
Answer: vacuum hair
Congratulations: Calista from Steam Boat Rock
Today’s Question: “80% of people would rather give this up for two weeks than undergo a root canal. What is it?”
Answer: social media
Congratulations: Terry from Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “34% of people say no one should wear these. What is it?”
Answer: leather pants
Congratulations: Jamie from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “75% of people can’t go a day without this. What is it?”
Answer: coffee
Congratulations: Austin from Ames
Today’s Question: “28% of people, who own one of these, have hugged it. What is it?”
Answer: a tree
Congratulations: Mike in Haverhill
Today’s Question: “24% of kids do this chore. What is it?”
Answer: wash dishes
Congratulations: AJ from Monticello
Today’s Question: “21% of dogs have chewed on this. What is it?”
Answer: a toothbrush
Congratulations: Jan from Malcolm
Today’s Question: “Eating this shortens your life expectancy by eight minutes. What is it?”
Answer: (double) cheeseburger
Congratulations: Samantha from Ames
Today’s Question: “64% of people believe no one is better than them at making this in the kitchen. What is it?”
Answer: Chocolate Chip cookie
Congratulations: Laura in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40% of women have this in their purse. What is it?”
Answer: mace/pepper spray
Congratulations: Brad from Ackley
Today’s Question: “33% of people have stolen this from work. What is it?”
Answer: a co-worker’s lunch
Congratulations: Addison from Ames
Today’s Question: “23% of young kids dislike eating this. What is it?”
Answer: spinach
Congratulations: Daryl from Story City
Today’s Question: “39% of people do this before eating a slice of pizza. What is it?”
Answer: fold it
Congratulations: Mason from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “50% of adults think this should be taught in schools. What is it?”
Answer: video gaming
Congratulations: Trevor from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of couples argue about this at least once a month. What is it?”
Answer: chores
Congratulations: Jim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “16% of parents want their children to learn how to do this. What is it?”
Answer: play the violin
Congratulations: Jason from Eldora
Today’s Question: “38% of people have done this when they are running late. What is it?”
Answer: Speed
Congratulations: Tom from Beaman
Today’s Question: “52% of people say this is where they get their financial and money advice from. Where is it?”
Answer: Google
Congratulations: Misty from Milo
Today’s Question: “30% of people say this should not be worn at the gym. What is it?”
Answer: makeup
Congratulations: Charity from Tama
Today’s Question: “28% of people have purchased this during an impulse buy. What is it?”
Answer: shoes
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “30% of people would rather do this with their pet than their partner. What is it?” (Get away from it all)
Answer: go on a vacation with them
Congratulations: Kim from Albion
oday’s Question: “34% of people drink one of these on a weekly basis. What is it?”
Answer: milkshake
Congratulations: Mellissa in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Women say this is the biggest dating turn-off a man can have. What is it?”
Answer: dirty fingernails
Congratulations: Amy in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “50% of men wash this once every four months. What is it?”
Answer: comforter
Congratulations: Jim in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing people eat after a break-up. What is it?”
Answer: a burger
Congratulations: Kim from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “27% of people say this is the worst thing about their neighbors. What is it?”
Answer: too loud
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “30% of pet owners have purchased one of these for their pet. What is it?”
Answer: stroller
Congratulations: Marla from Ames
Today’s Question: “Eating two or more servings of this “fruit” a week can save your life because it cuts the risk of heart disease by 20%. What is it?”
Answer: avocado
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “10% of people do this before grocery shopping. What is it?”
Answer: eat
Congratulations: Tiffany from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40% of people say this sound keeps them awake at night OR wakes them up. What is it?”
Answer: creaky, squeaky mattress
Congratulations: Misty from Montour
Today’s Question: “12% of people will eat this even if it is stale. What is it?”
Answer: Peeps
Congratulations: Steve from New Providence
Today’s Question: “26% of people say this is their most hated cleaning chore. What is it?”
Answer: washing windows
Congratulations: Rebecca from Sully
Today’s Question “19% of people would rather spend a night in jail than do this. What is it?”
Answer: pay taxes
Congratulations: Terrie in Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Ice cream is the most popular dessert. What’s the second?”
Answer: Jello
Congratulations: Tom in Montour
Today’s Question: “42% of people do this after working out. What is it?”
Answer: drink a protein shake
Congratulations: Andrea from Garwin
Today’s Question: “18% of singles never talk about how much of this they have while on a date. What is it?”
Answer: debt
Congratulations: Jillian from Zearing
Today’s Question: “28% of singles say this is their biggest pet peeve when on a date at an Italian restaurant. What is it?”
Answer: slurping spaghetti
Congratulations: Marge from Albion
Today’s Question: “94% of people eat this on a monthly basis. What is it?”
Answer: pizza
Congratulations: Becky from Marion
Today’s Question: “The average person endures three of these a week. What is it?”
Answer: nightmares
Congratulations: Nate from Gillman
Today’s Question: “40% of people, under 40, have one of these. What is it?”
Answer: tattoo
Congratulations: Becky from Newton
Today’s Question: “40% of people say this is the first thing they notice about others. What is it?”
Answer: their handshake
Congratulations: Glen from Ladora
Today’s Question: “26% of people drink this for breakfast on a near-regular basis. What is it?”
Answer: wine
Congratulations: Brenda from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “Freshly cut grass is the top smell people like. What’s the second?”
Answer: coffee
Congratulations: Chris from Newton
Today’s Question: What was the original purpose of the tiny pocket in jeans?
Answer: To store pocket watches.
Congratulations: David from Albion
Today’s Question: “6% of people say this is the worst holiday gift you can buy. What is it?”
Answer: scented candle
Congratulations: Dave from Collins
Today’s Question: “NFL quarterbacks perform 6-17% better when they have this. What is it?”
Answer: a beard
Congratulations: Jordan from New Providence
Today’s Question: “68% of people say this is the top thing that stresses them out during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: crowds and long lines
Congratulations: Lori from Toledo
Today’s Question: “32% of people say this is their biggest dinner date pet peeve? What is it?”
Answer: Belching
Congratulations: Wayne in Boone
Today’s Question: “5% of women would get rid of their partner before getting rid of this. What is it?”
Answer: their favorite pair of jeans
Congratulations: Jeff in Conrad
Today’s Question: “The average mom spends 577 hours per year going here. Where is it?”
Answer: attending sporting events for her kids
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “26% of people do this while cooking. What is it?”
Answer: dancing
Congratulations: David from New Providence
Today’s Question: “33% of people forget to do this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: brush their teeth
Congratulations: Brenda in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “70% of people have lied to their partner about this. What is it?”
Answer: what they have eaten
Congratulations: Kyle in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “43% of women have concealed a bad hair day by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: braid their hair
Congratulations: Terry from Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “25% of people have stayed in a relationship because they liked this about their partner. What is it?”
Answer: their dog
Congratulations: Ben from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “42% of people do this every day before they leave for work. What is it?”
Answer: make their bed
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “Chocolate, cheese and strawberry are the three things people crave most during the day. What’s the fourth?”
Answer: Bacon
Congratulations: Mason from Ankeny
Today’s Question: “33% of people say this is the worst place you can be taken on a first date. Where is it?”
Answer: a bar
Congratulations: Daryl from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “60% of parents reward kids for good behavior and good grades by allowing them to spend more time doing this. What is it?”
Answer: play video games.
Congratulations: John from Luzerne
Today’s Question: “1.76 billion of these holiday items are produced every year. What is it?”
Answer: candy canes
Congratulations: Ron from State Center
Today’s Question: “17% of online daters lie about this in their dating profile. What is it?”
Answer: vacations they have taken
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “35% of people hope to achieve this goal. What is it?”
Answer: improve their credit score
Congratulations: Anna from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Home décor and gift cards are the two most regifted items. What’s the third?”
Answer: wine or champagne
Congratulations: Lynn from Altoona
Today’s Question: “14% of people have injured themselves by doing THIS during the holidays. What is it?”
Answer: burned themselves while cooking
Congratulations: Chase from Toledo
Today’s Question: “The average person will down lots of this during the holiday season. They will need to jog for 7 hours to burn it off. What is it?”
Answer: Wine
Congratulations: Nate from Gilman
Today’s Question: “30% of people say they get this gift every year at Xmas. What is it?”
Answer: underwear/pajamas
Congratulations: Debbie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40 million people would give up THIS for the rest of the year if it meant being able to lose 10 or more pounds. What is it?”
Answer: social media
Congratulations: Trish in LeGrand
Today’s Question: “22% of people say this is the worst holiday gift someone can give them. What is it?”
Answer: candle
Congratulations: John from Johnston
Today’s Question: “The average puppy will chew on four of these during its first year at home. What is it?”
Answer: pieces of furniture
Congratulations: Carrie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “16% of people don’t wash their hands after doing this. What is it?”
Answer: sneezing
Congratulations: Ryan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “26% of people plan to bake this during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: peanut butter cookies
Congratulations: Marla in Ames
Today’s Question“5% of men would never admit to knowing how to do this even though they do. What is it?”
Answer: knitting
Congratulations: Gary in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Men with THIS receive three times more matches on dating apps than men that don’t have it. What is it?”
Answer: facial hair
Congratulations: Cindy in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “14% of people say they feel guilty after eating this during the holidays. What is it?”
Answer: cinnamon rolls
Congratulations: Whitaker from Gillman
Today’s Question: “23% of people no longer down this for breakfast because they are trying to eat healthier. What is it?”
Answer: eggs
Congratulations: Sierra from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “50% of car owners do not know how to check this on a car. What is it?”
Answer: windshield washer fluid
Congratulations: Tony from Newton
Today’s Mindbender: “33% of women celebrate the Fall season by doing this in their home. What is it?”
Answer: light seasonal candles
Congratulations: Curt from Montour
Today’s Question: “10% of women are embarrassed about eating this on a date. What is it?”
Answer: sushi
Congratulations: Garrett from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “14% of people feel guilty about eating too many of these during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: cookies
Congratulations: Addison from Ames
Today’s Question: 29% of parents will celebrate the holidays between now and Christmas by doing this with their children. What is it?”
Answer: decorating gingerbread houses
Congratulations: Mason in Grinnell
Today’s Question: “33% of people do this after watching a horror film. What is it?”
Answer: lock doors in their home
Congratulations: Wayne in Boone
Today’s Question: “41% of people say they are bad at this. What is it?”
Answer: dancing
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Mindbender: “48% of people say they look forward to eating this during the Fall and upcoming holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: biscuits
Congratulations: Sally in Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “French scientists say drinking this is just as bad as drinking fat. What is it?”
Answer: Coke
Congratulations: Dave in Collins
Today’s Question: “23% of people hate it when their partner does this in the house because it makes more work for them. What is it?”
Answer: leave wet towels/clothes on floor
Congratulations: Andrew from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “72% of people would rather give this up for a month than their smartphone. What is it?”
Answer: beer/alcohol
Congratulations: Elizabeth from Toledo
Today’s Question: “56% of people won’t date someone, who doesn’t do this well. What is it?”
Answer: drive
Congratulations: Todd from Legrand
Today’s Question: “7% of people would rather ditch their partner than this. What is it?”
Answer: their dishwasher
Congratulations: Trent from State Center
Today’s Question: “31% of people keep their mind sharp by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: a crossword puzzle
Answer: a poem
Congratulations: Brett from Kellogg
Today’s Question: “2% of people have broken up with someone by sending them this. What is it?”
Answer: a poem
Congratulations: Brian from Toledo
Today’s Question: “Cold and flu season is about to start. Taking this cuts down on coughing by 36%. What is it?”
Answer: honey
Congratulations: Brett in Kellogg
Today’s Question: “North Americans do this 93 million times a day. What is it?”
Answer: take a Selfie
Congratulations: Trina from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “11% of newlyweds say this was their favorite part of their wedding. What is it?”
Answer: first dance
Congratulations: Jaci from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “33% of people have left this in a pants/jeans pocket while doing laundry. What is it?”
Answer: Chap Stick
Congratulations: Kyle from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “23% of people put this on their pizza. What is it?”
Answer: Ranch dressing
Congratulations: Brooklyn from Newton
Today’s Question: “6% of people don’t do this as much as they used to because they now work from home as a result of the pandemic. What is it?”
Answer: change their underwear
Congratulations: Doug from Newton
Today’s Question: “33% of people have tried to improve their health by doing this in the last year. What is it?”
Answer: meditating
Congratulations: Jason from Dallas
Today’s Question: “5% of single men have had this happened on a date. What is it?”
Answer: credit card declined
Congratulations: Jim from Radcliffe
Today’s Question: “14% of people dunk their McDonald’s French fries in this. What is it?”
Answer: milkshake
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “10% of people would give up their smartphone if it meant they could eat this for free for the rest of their lives. What is it?”
Answer: free Big Macs
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing at-home workers do when they should be working. What is it?”
Answer: watching Netflix
Congratulations: Cole in Sully
Today’s Question: “37% of people have done this while driving even though they shouldn’t have. What is it? (Prime Day)
Answer: shopped online
Congratulations: Julie from State Center
Today’s Question: “71% of truck owners would rather give up this than their truck. What is it?”
Answer: coffee
Congratulations: Sara from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “31% of children have never eaten this. What is it?”
Answer: orange
Congratulations: Lucy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average toddler does this three times a day. What is it?”
Answer: change outfits or clothes
Congratulations: Trevor from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40% of women say doing this puts them in a good mood after a long day of work. What is it?”
Answer: taking a bath
Congratulations: Sheila from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “32% of people forget to do this when driving. What is it?”
Answer: turning without signaling
Congratulations: Jeff from Conrad
Today’s Question: “64% of women are turned off by a man, who has this. What is it?”
Answer: hairy back
Congratulations: Brent from Huxley
Today’s Question: “42% of people did this at some point during the Summer. What is it?”
Answer: camping
Congratulations: Tracie from State Center
Today’s Question: “10% of people have tried to get out of a speeding ticket by telling an officer they were heading here. Where is it?”
Answer: funeral
Congratulations: Christin from Clemmons
Today’s Question: “13% of people are insecure about this. What is it?”
Answer: their freckles
Congratulations: Dick from Reinbeck
Today’s Question: “18% of people only wash this once a year. What is it?”
Answer: blue jeans
Congratulations: Kyle from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “56% of people have eaten this when they’ve had a hangover. What is it?”
Answer: burrito
Congratulations: Brittany from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “65% of people say co-workers should never wear this at work. What is it?”
Answer: spandex
Congratulations: Steven from Williamsburg
Today’s Question: “59% of people say a home smells clean when it smells like this. What is it?”
Answer: citrus
Congratulations: Will from Conrad
Today’s Question: “28% of people reward themselves with this. What is it?”
Answer: Pizza
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “34% of people have never cleaned this in their house. What is it?”
Answer: their curtains
Congratulations: June from Baxter
Today’s Question: “Women are more likely than men to do this when they sleep. What is it?”
Answer: talk in their sleep (13% vs 9%)
Congratulations: Tom in Beaman
Today’s Question: “11% of people dont get enough sleep at night because this keeps them awake. What is it?”
Answer: their pet
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “59% of people have purchased this when drunk. What is it?”
Answer: cigarettes
Congratulations: Jenna from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “Only 4% of people would rather give this up than their morning coffee. What is it?”
Answer: video games
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “25% of couples have shared this. What is it?”
Answer: their underwear
Congratulations: Jesse from Maxwell
Today’s Question: “This is the first thing 23% of people do in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: look at their horoscope
Congratulations: Kim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “36% of people have been burnt by this in the Summer. What is it?”
Answer: hot seat belt clip
Congratulations: Dave from Eldora
Today’s Question: “54% of people keep this in their car. What is it?”
Answer: jumper cables
Congratulations: Dylan from Union
Today’s Question: “According to a survey by Go-Ahead Transport, this is the most boring snack a person can eat. What is it?”
Answer: celery
Congratulations: David from Union
Today’s Question: “Women say this is the worst romantic gift a man can give them. What is it?”
Answer: fuzzy handcuffs
Congratulations: Marci from Ellsworth
Today’s Question: “69% of mothers say they get stressed when THIS is dirty in their home. What is it?”
Answer: their dishes
Congratulations: Brad from Garwin
Today’s Question: “7% of couples have broken up because they argued about this. What is it?”
Answer: the thermostat setting
Congratulations: Sidney from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “Parents say this is the top superhero power they wish they had. What is it?”
Answer: Invisibility
Congratulations: Brendan in Belle Plaine
Today’s Question: “29% of people sprinkle this on their popcorn even though it is meant to be put in something else. What is it?”
Answer: Taco seasoning
Congratulations: Danielle from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “18% of people have canceled this in order to save money. What is it?”
Answer: canceled a health club membership
Congratulations: Paul from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “19% of people would be willing to give this up for good in exchange for perfect skin. What is it?”
Answer: chocolate
Congratulations: Kurt from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “The average person fantasizes about this 818 times a year. What is it?”
Answer: taking a vacation
Congratulations: Mark from Geneva
Today’s Question: “27% of women wish their partner would change this about their appearance. What is it?”
Answer: shave back hair
Congratulations: Shane from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “32% of parents say this is the most difficult thing they encountered when they became a parent. What is it?”
Answer: potty training
Congratulations: Heather from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “39% of people do this if they know they are going to pig out and eat a large meal. What is it?”
Answer: wear stretchy clothing/pants
Congratulations: Shawna in LeGrand
Today’s Question: “22% of people say this is their favorite chore. What is it?”
Answer: cleaning the bathtub
Congratulations: Becky from Eldora
Today’s Question: “5% of people have done this with their dog. What is it?”
Answer: taken a bath with them
Congratulations: Lisa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of people have named their car after this person. Who is it?”
Congratulations: Marge in Albion
Today’s Question: “28% of people do this before going on vacation. What is it?”
Answer: cut their hair or change their hairstyle
Congratulations: Stacy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people have hidden snacks here. Where is it?”
Answer: filing cabinet
Congratulations: Lana from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “70% of people would never live next to this. What is it?”
Answer: cemetery
Congratulations: Nichole in Toledo
Today’s Question: “55% of parents will do this with their kids this Summer. What is it?”
Answer: go to a concert
Congratulations: Samantha in Newton
Today’s Question: “21% of online daters post pictures of this on their dating profile because they believe it will draw more attention. What is the picture of?”
Answer: Their pet
Congratulations: Wayne from Elbron
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing people dislike about the way they look on Zoom calls. What is it?”
Answer: bags under eyes
Congratulations: Lucy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of people hide this from their partner. What is it?”
Answer: a credit card
Congratulations: Jackie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people believe liking the same _________ reduces disagreements with friends, family members and partners. What is it?”
Answer: music
Congratulations: Robbie from Kellogg
Today’s Question: “73% of people like working at home because they can do this during the day without their boss knowing. What is it?”
Answer: Watch TV
Congratulations: Sydney from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “34% of people have stopped calling a potential partner after seeing this. What is it?”
Answer: their messy car
Congratulations: Brett from Garwin
Today’s Question: “If given the choice, 15% of people would rather give this up than their phone. What is it?”
Answer: Chocolate
Congratulations: Addison in Ames
Today’s Mindbender: “47% of women calm themselves by lighting a candle that smells like this. What is it?”
Answer: lavender
Congratulations: Luke from Newton
Today’s Question: “This is the top dating deal breaker according to a survey by One4All. What is it?”
Answer: talks with their mouth full.
Congratulations: Paul from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “39% of people do this when eating pizza. What is it?”
Answer: Fold the Slice
Congratulations: Tony from Newton
Today’s Question: “Eating this shortens a person’s life by 36 minutes. What is it?”
Answer: hot dog
Congratulations: June from Baxter
Today’s Question: “24% of people have given this up because they are trying to lead a cleaner life. What is it?”
Answer: coffee
Congratulations: Trevor from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “60% of people say this is the thing they like smelling most in the Summer. What is it?”
Answer: fresh cut grass
Congratulations: Bill from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “This is the second most popular first-date food behind pizza (39%). What is it?”
Answer: steak (37%)
Congratulations: Rusty from Laurel
Today’s Question: “21% of people have done this while playing a video game. What is it?”
Answer: Cried
Congratulations: Marge from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “35% of adults loved going here as a kid. What or where is it?”
Answer: going to an amusement park
Congratulations: Sam from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “37% of people have purchased this for their dog. What is it?”
Answer: raincoat
Congratulations: Cindy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “34% of people won’t take a job if it entails this. What is it?”
Answer: a long commute
Congratulations: Jacob from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “12% of people have this sweet drink when they eat a hot dog. What is it?”
Answer: orange
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “15% of dog owners do this before leaving the house. What is it?”
Answer: turn on the radio OR TV
Congratulations: Jeremy from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “42% of people would give up a TV, a pet and a car before giving up this. What is it?”
Answer: their social media accounts
Congratulations: Matt from Story City
Today’s Question: “59% of people do this when they want to boost their energy. What is it?”
Answer: eat chocolate
Congratulations: Trish from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “36% of people have given their father this for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: a coffee mug
Congratulations: Larry from Colo
Today’s Question: “69% of men worry about their hair thinning. This is one of the top things men would give up for thicker hair. What is it?”
Answer: Beer
Congratulations: Andrew from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “30% of people annoy others when they do this at the grocery store. What is it?”
Answer: use express grocery lines when they have more than 10 items
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of new smartphone buyers needed a new phone because this happened to their old one. What is it?”
Answer: spilled a drink on it or got it wet
Congratulations: Roxi of Albion
Today’s Question: “10% of people will eat this today. What is it?”
Answer: a cookie
Congratulations: Tim from Ames
Today’s Question: “2% of people have done this while naked in their home. What is it?”
Answer: vacuum
Congratulations: Corey from Searsboro
Today’s Question: “34% of people say their partner does this in the middle of the night without realizing it. What is it?”
Answer: toots
Congratulations: Matt from Holland
“Today’s Question: “4% of married couples met here. Where is it?”
Answer: Church
Congratulations: Al in Grundy Center
“Today’s Question: “6% of people say they could not live without this in their home. What is it?”
Answer: washing machine
Congratulations: Rusty from Laurel
“Today’s Question: “64% of people do this before leaving a public bathroom. What is it?”
Answer: flush with their foot
Congratulations: Michael from Montezuma
“Today’s Question: “26% of people do this in their sleep. What is it?”
Answer: laugh
Congratulations: Dave from Albion
“Today’s Question: “50% of men have worn these because they think it makes them look smarter and clever. What is it?”
Answer: Glasses
Congratulations: Camilla from Ames
“Today’s Question: “Memorial Day is almost here. 28% of people will eat this at their Memorial Day BBQ. What is it?”
Answer: Apple Pie
Congratulations: Sheila from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “87% of women won’t go on a second date with a man if this happened on the first date.
Answer: date had bad breath
Congratulations: Barb from Conrad
Today’s Question: “The average woman will change this 21 times during her life. What is it?”
Answer: jobs
Congratulations: Shana from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “33% of women say their husband is terrible at _______________ .”
Answer: dancing
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “50% of parents say their child does not know how to do this. What is it?”
Answer: swim
Congratulations: Marge from Albion
Today’s Question: “27% of couples do this on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: hold hands
Congratulations: Majel from Eldora
Today’s Question: “20% of men and 30% of women won’t marry someone with this. What is it?”
Answer: bad credit
Congratulations: Brenda from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “37% of people say men should be banned from wearing this during the Summer. What is it?”
Answer: Hawaiian shirts
Congratulations: Dave from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “6% of women have applied this while driving. What is it?”
Answer: Spray on Tan
Congratulations: Cory from Garwin
Today’s Question: “10% of people lie about this to impress a potential partner. What is it?”
Answer: Where they have traveled
Congratulations: Tyler from Ames
Today’s Question: “14% of women haven’t done this in 10 years. What is it?”
Answer: changed their hairstyle
Congratulations: Don from Hudson
Today’s Question: “The two top things single women look for in a man is humor and kindness. What’s the third?”
Answer: taller than them
Congratulations: Clayton from Boone
Today’s Question: “25% of men do not know how to turn this on. What is it?”
Answer: a washing machine
Congratulations: Lisa from Ames
Today’s Question: “With the Summer travel season almost here, 3% of people say this is their biggest beach pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: inappropriate displays of PDA (public displays of affection)
Congratulations: Nate from Gillman
Today’s Question: “8% of women own more than 10 of these. What is it?”
Answer: Perfumes
Congratulations: Judy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “36% of people clean this just twice a year. What is it?”
Answer: barbecue grill
times as a teen. What is it?”
Answer: slam a door
Congratulations: Scott from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “The average young woman will do this 164 times as a teen. What is it?”
Answer: slam a door
Congratulations: Josh from Laurel
Today’s Question: “40% of women do this with their best friend. What is it?”
Answer: get a tattoo
Congratulations: Brian from Toledo
Today’s Question: “52% of women say a man shouldn’t be afraid of this. What is it?”
Answer: spiders
Congratulations: Cindy from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “17% of people say this is their favorite thing to eat in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: cinnamon roll
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “25% of people have kept this a secret from their partner. What is it?”
Answer: A traffic ticket
Congratulations: Josh in Waukee
Today’s Question: “45% of people say this distracts them when they are driving. What is it?”
Answer: Billboards
Congratulations: Morgan from Melbourne
Today’s Question: “The average woman spends $578 a year on this. What is it?”
Answer: manicures
Congratulations: Connie in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “18% of people clean this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: toilet seat
Congratulations: Rick in Nevada
Today’s Question: “12% of people have this groovy item in their home or storage. What is it?”
Answer: lava lamp
Congratulations: Viola in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “13% of women do this four times a day. What is it?”
Answer: snack
Congratulations: Brandon in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “39% of men have never done this chore. What is it?”
Answer: iron clothes
Congratulations: Brian in Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “42% of men own one of these. What is it?”
Answer: a hair dryer
Congratulations: Tosha in Marshalltown
Today’s Question“36% of people say these should never be worn in the office. What is it?”
Answer: Crocs
Congratulations: Tanner from Monroe
Today’s Question: “34% of men can’t name this even though it’s one of their wife’s favorites. What is it?
Answer: the name of her favorite perfume
Congratulations: Dee from Elberon
Today’s Question: “21% of kids say their parents do this when driving. What is it?”
Answer: yell at other drivers
Congratulations: Brian from Grinnell
Today’s Mindbender: “26% of women have done this after drinking too much. What is it?”
Answer: called an ex-partner
Congratulations: Paula from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “28% of women have declined a date with someone because they disliked this about them. What is it?”
Answer: their clothes
Congratulations: Brandi from Tama
Today’s Question: “27% of people won’t go on a second date with someone if that person does this. What is it?”
Answer: uses a coupon
Congratulations: Trevor from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Men get a clean one of these every 18 days while women every 15 days. What is it?”
Answer: their bath towel
Congratulations: Stephen from Glenbrook
Today’s Mindbender: “40% of women carry this in their purse. What is it?”
Answer: sunglasses
Congratulations: Kimberly from Ames
Today’s Mindbender: “18% of women start a diet because of this. What is it?”
Answer: Fit in their wedding dress
Congratulations: Mitchell from Granger
Today’s Question: “20% of people have broken a diet because this happened to them. What is it?”
Answer: Bad day at work
Congratulations: Kim in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “59% of home buyers are turned off by this when they walk through a home. What is it?”
Answer: Dirty kitchen
Congratulations: Tiffany from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “7% of people say their pet does this less than their partner does. What is it?”
Answer: snore
Congratulations: Karla from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “8% of single men are turned off by a woman, who does this. What is it?”
Answer: Bite their nails
Congratulations: Frank from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “5% of people eat this every day. What is it?”
Answer: ice cream
Congratulations: Connie from Toledo
Today’s Question: “26% of women lie about this. What is it?”
Answer: how much they spend on clothes/shoes
Congratulations: Trenton from Ottumwa
Today’s Question: “Only 46% of millennials know how to make this. What is it?”
Answer: Bake a cake
Congratulations: Jim in Radcliffe
Today’s Question: “71% of people own one of these and exercise caution around it because it is hot. What is it?”
Answer: Barbecue grill
Congratulations: Austin from Ames
Today’s Question: “70% of women always wear this to work. What is it?”
Answer: makeup
Congratulations: Steve from Kellogg
Today’s Question: “33% of women have dreamed about having a date here. Where is it?”
Answer: Eiffel Tower
Congratulations: Juan from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “28% of women and 25% of men hide cash in their home in this spot. Where is it?”
Answer: freezer
Congratulations: Kathy from Laurel
Today’s Question: “Baseball fans will down 45,500 of these during the upcoming Major League Baseball season. What is it?”
Answer: sausages
Congratulations: Amy from Urbandale
Today’s Question: “Bad breath (11%) is the biggest turn-off for singles. What’s the second biggest turn-off?”
Answer: dirty fingernails
Congratulations: Sheila from Everhill
Today’s Question: “36% of women never get rid of these. What is it?”
Answer: Jeans
Congratulations: Tammy from State Center
Today’s Question: “6% of people place turkey gravy on this. What is it?”
Answer: pancakes
Congratulations: Tyler from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “30% of people have never done this in the Winter. What is it?”
Answer: had a snowball fight
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “40% of people say this makes them feel better when they are sick. What is it?”
Answer: favorite blanket
Congratulations: Elizabeth from Toledo
Today’s Question: “51% of people wish they could change this about themselves. What is it?”
Answer: their teeth
Congratulations: Paul from Tama
Today’s Question: “20% of people say their nightly sleep gets interrupted by this. What is it?”
Answer: their dog
Congratulations: Gail from Garwin
Today’s Question: “The top dating app photo turn-off for women is men, who take a bathroom mirror selfie. What’s the second biggest turn-off?”
Answer: sticking their tongue out
Congratulations: Garrett from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “37% of parents do this with their kids once a week in the Spring, Summer and Fall. What is it?”
Answer: Go to a park
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Passing gas is the most embarrassing thing people say they have accidentally done in public. What’s the second most embarrassing thing they’ve been told about
Answer: Having something in their nose
Congratulations: Ron from State Center
Today’s Question: “73% of men, who have this – have less success on dating sites and apps. What is it?”
Answer: Receding hairline
Congratulations: Jason from Eldora
Today’s Question: “10% of people have hid this purchase from a partner. What is it?”
Answer: Jewelry
Congratulations: Kim from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “41% of people have never tasted this dessert. What is it?”
Answer: S’mores
Congratulations: Connie from Toledo
Today’s Mindbender: “Eating this increases your life expectancy by 33 minutes. What is it?”
Answer: peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Congratulations: Heather from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “A chocolate bar and carryout food are the top two things people treat themselves to when they have a good day. What’s the third?”
Answer: glass of wine
Congratulations: Toni from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “17% of people use this at work. What is it?”
Answer: Post-It Notes
Congratulations: David from Collins
Today’s Question: “Most office workers use this every day. It is three times dirtier than a toilet seat. What is it?”
Answer: their desk
Congratulations: Kari in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “33% of women say this matters when choosing a mate. What is it?”
Answer: height
Congratulations: Debra from Ames
Today’s Questions: “32% of people eat this out of its container. What is it?”
Answer: Salsa
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “Women say they should stop wearing this when they turn 46. What is it?”
Answer: Mini skirt
Congratulations: Kurt from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “19% of couples no longer adhere to this wedding rule. What is it?”
Answer: bride wears white wedding dress
Congratulations: Randi from Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “39% of people say this is their favorite way to eat ice cream. What is it?”
Answer: In an ice cream cake
Congratulations: Nate from Gillman
Today’s Question: “33% of people do this to relax. What is it?”
Answer: Walk
Congratulations: Amber from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “24% of people, who work from home do this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: chores
Congratulations: Brandi from Tama
Today’s Question: “23% of singles don’t mention this on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: they smoke
Congratulations: Mitchell from Granger
Today’s Question: “71% of people own one of these. What is it?”
Answer: a gas grill
Congratulations: Cheryl Harger from State Center
Today’s Question: “Doctors say you should do this for 7 minutes a day in order to reduce stress. What is it?”
Answer: Smile
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “24% of people do not know how to do this to their car. What is it?”
Answer: Change the clock
Congratulations: Angie from Ackley
Today’s Question: “The average person eats six of these a year. What is it?”
Answer: Burgers
Congratulations: Christin from Clemmons
Today’s Question: “29% of people do this on a Monday. What is it?”
Answer: Go to a gym
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “48% of people eat this once a month. What is it?”
Answer: tacos
Congratulations: Cody from Eldora
Today’s Question: “17% of people say this is the worst thing about their neighbor? What is it?”
Answer: Disruptive pet
Congratulations: Trina from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “25% of people cut out this food at the beginning of the year in order to eat healthier. What is it?”
Answer: bread
Congratulations: Marry from Williams
Today’s Question: “40% of people hate when their partner does this in the bathroom. What is it?”
Answer: leaves toothpaste in the sink
Congratulations: Shelby from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “25% of people have never washed this. What is it?”
Answer: Pillow
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average person eats three of these a week. What is it?”
Answer: three candy bars
Congratulations: Ashley in Eldora
Today’s Question: “45% of people keep this until it comes apart. What is it?”
Answer: Mattress
Congratulations: Brad in Knoxville
Today’s Question: “3% of people have never eaten this candy. What is it?”
Answer: marshmallow Peep
Congratulations: Gayle from Garwin
Today’s Question: “49% of people say this is their favorite veggie. What is it?”
Answer: cauliflower
Congratulations: Paul from Tama
Today’s Question: “Doing this in your home for an hour will burn 238 calories. What is it?”
Answer: vacuum
Congratulations: Kim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “53% of people will clean this out when they start their Spring Cleaning. What is it?”
Answer: their garage
Congratulations: Diane from Tama
Today’s Mindbender: What is so fragile that saying it’s name breaks it?
Answer: Silence
Congratulations: Danielle from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “32% of people cringe when they hear this sound. What is it?”
Answer: baby crying
Congratulations: Chad from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of people do this after a breakup. What is it?”
Answer: unfollow their ex on social media
Congratulations: Adanga from Ames
Today’s Question: “The NFL playoffs start this weekend. 15% of people love eating this at their football parties. What is it?”
Answer: Nachos
Congratulations: Jamie from Cumming
Today’s Question: “40% of women will receive this on Valentine’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: A greeting card
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people look for this trait in a partner. What is it?”
Answer: good cook
Congratulations: Scott from Steam Boat Rock
Today’s Question: “The average person spends 37 minutes a week doing this. What is it?”
Answer: grocery shopping
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “44% of people still have this from their childhood. What is it?”
Answer: Teddy bear
Congratulations: Don from Newton
Today’s Question: “43% of people would give this up for five years in order to be able to retire early. What is it?”
Answer: Drinking
Congratulations: Craig from Green Mountain
Today’s Question: “38% of people say they messed this up while cooking it for breakfast. What is it?”
Answer: Pancakes
Congratulations: Marcus from Waukee
Today’s Question: “62% of women are turned off by a guy who posts a picture of this on his online dating profile. What is it?”
Answer: Posing with a fish he’s caught
Congratulations: Brendan from Belle Plaine
Today’s Question: “This is the most disliked piece of clothing a person can receive as a Xmas gift. What is it?”
Answer: Slippers
Congratulations: Doug from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the most re-gifted item. What is it?”
Answer: Socks
Congratulations: Missy from Malcom
Today’s Question: “51% of people forget to buy this for Xmas morning. What is it?”
Answer: Batteries
Congratulations: Gary from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “28% of people say a pair of these should never be worn to a restaurant. What is it?”
Answer: Overalls
Congratulations: Phil from Boone
Today’s Question: “12% of hotel housekeepers have stolen this from a female guest. What is it?”
Answer: Cosmetics
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “37% of people say this is their favorite pumpkin spice item. What is it?”
Answer: Donut
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “77% of people have done this in their car. What is it?”
Answer: slept
Congratulations: Sarah from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average person needs to spend 29 minutes on an elliptical trainer to burn this off. What is it?”
Answer: Cookies
Congratulations: Garrett from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Body odor is the top smell people dislike. What’s the second?”
Answer: sour milk
Congratulations: Ben from Tama
Today’s Question: “41% of people do this after breaking their diet. What is it?”
Answer: go for a walk
Congratulations: Kim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “7% of people purposely do this to annoy other drivers. What is it?”
Answer: Tailgate
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “43% of women like it when their partner does this for them when they are out in public. What is it?”
Answer: open a door for them
Congratulations: Ryan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “64% of people have woken up in the middle of the night because they had a dream where this happened to them. What is it?”
Answer: Falling
Congratulations: Marisa from Altoona
Today’s Question: “57% of people don’t know this about their partner. What is it?”
Answer: their salary
Congratulations: Charity from Tama
Today’s Question: “33% of people forget to do this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: brush their teeth
Congratulations: Tyler from Grimes
Today’s Question: “10% of singles would be more attracted to someone if they owned this pet. What is it?”
Answer: A bird
Congratulations: Mark from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “20% of people do this less than once a month even though they should do it every day. What is it?”
Answer: Floss
Congratulations: Hunter from State Center
Today’s Question: The average family uses one of these about 7 and a half years before throwing it away. What is it?
Answer: Artificial Tree
Congratulations: Rob from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “80% of men feel embarrassed when they order this in public. What is it?”
Answer: Diet soft drink
Congratulations: Kim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “150 million of these holiday items are produced every year. What is it?”
Answer: Chocolate Santa
Congratulations: Lucy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average child eats 304 pounds of this by the time they turn 10. What is it?”
Answer: Sugar
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Americans place gravy on turkey and mashed potatoes. 10% of British people place gravy on this. What is it?”
Answer: Cereal
Congratulations: Ester from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “8% of people have done this while using a new piece of workout equipment they got for the holidays. What is it?”
Answer: Split their pants
Congratulations: Curt from Montour
Today’s Question: “40% of teens want this for Xmas. What is it?”
Answer: Headphones
Congratulations: Chris from New Providence
Today’s Question: “63% of people avoid fixing this because it costs so much. What is it?
Answer: Smartphone screen
Congratulations: Hanna from Steam Boat Rock
Today’s Question: “12% of people will place their unwanted holiday gifts here. Where is it?
Answer: Crawlspace
Congratulations: Ryan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the worst holiday gift you can give someone according to a survey by Wright Brand Bacon. What is it?”
Answer: An ugly sweater
Congratulations: Chad from Pella
Today’s Question: “16% of people say they cannot live without this food. What is it?”
Answer: Tacos
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the most common place people misplace their phones. Where is it?”
Answer: Sofa cushions
Congratulations: Clint from Colfax
Today’s Question: “23% of people have stuffed a Thanksgiving turkey with this. What is it?”
Answer: Can of beer
Congratulations: Kim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of people say this is the thing they are looking most forward to eating on Thanksgiving. What is it?”
Answer: Pecan pie
Congratulations: Curt from Newton
Today’s Question: “7% of men say this is the physical trait they value most in women. What is it?”
Answer: Good legs
Congratulations: Cindy from Madrid
Today’s Question: “67% of women say this is their most prized possession. What is it?”
Answer: Favorite handbag/purse
Congratulations: Sandra from Newton
Today’s Question: “51% of people say doing this puts them in the holiday spirit. What is it?”
Answer: watching a holiday movie
Congratulations: Morgan from Elkhart
Today’s Question: “21% of people like this food as an adult, but not as a child. What is it?”
Answer: Spinach
Congratulations: Heather from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “44% of people say this is the best thing about Fall. What is it?”
Answer: drinking hot chocolate
Congratulations: Genessa from Marshalltown
Today’s Mindbender: “While on a date, 36% of singles avoid ordering anything that has this in it. What is it?”
Answer: garlic
Congratulations: Kevin from Dallas
Today’s Question: “18% of people feel guilty after consuming this during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: Egg Nog
Congratulations: Brenden from Bell Plaine
Today’s Question: “5% of people have done this with their pet. What is it?”
Answer: Taken a bath
Congratulations: Marg from Albion
Today’s Question: “25% of mothers would give this up for a good night of sleep. What is it?”
Answer: wine
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “45% of people say this has been the most stressful event in their life. What is it?”
Answer: moving
Congratulations: Chris from Marshalltown
Today’s Question “Kids ask their parents for this 1,584 times before they turn 18. What is it?”
Answer: A pet
Congratulations: Terry from Albion
Today’s Question “17% of couples have split the cost of this. What is it?”
Answer: Engagement ring
Congratulations: Brenda from Conrad
Today’s Question: “25% of people have learned how to operate this in the last several years. What is it?”
Answer: Espresso machine
Congratulations: Lisa from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “25% of people say their pet has chewed on this. What is it?”
Answer: Couch/sofa
Congratulations: Morgan from Gillman
Today’s Question: “38% of people say this is their main comfort food. What is it?”
Answer: Cookies
Congratulations: Debbie in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people do this physical activity when they want to de-stress. What is it?”
Answer: Go for a jog or hit the treadmill
Congratulations: Steve in Ogden
Today’s Question: “44% of people do this first thing in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: Make their bed
Congratulations: James from Eldora
Today’s Question: “14% of online daters get annoyed with other online daters when they post pictures of themselves doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Holding a fish
Congratulations: Sara in Ames
Today’s Question: “Only 38% of people wash this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Their feet
Congratulations: Stan from Gillman
Today’s Question: “19% of people have done this after drinking tequila. What is it?”
Answer: Take clothes off
Congratulations: Tanner from Monroe
Today’s Question: “10% of people have played this sport. What is it?”
Answer: Pickleball
Congratulations: Jackson from Geneva
Today’s Question: “26% of people say this is their biggest Zoom call pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: Yawning
Congratulations: Tex from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “27% of online daters lie about this. What is it?”
Answer: Their income
Congratulations: Curtis from Ventura
Today’s Question: “The average person drinks this twice a week. What is it?”
Answer: Wine
Congratulations: Marge from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of people will attend one of these between now and the end of the year. What is it?”
Answer: A baby shower
Congratulations: Jamie from Newton
Today’s Question: “26% of people have inherited this. What is it?”
Answer: A watch
Congratulations: Mitchel from Granger
Today’s Question: “37% of parents say this is the hardest thing about having a newborn. What is it?”
Answer: Choosing a name
Congratulations: Stephanie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “22% of people buy this before a vacation. What is it?”
Answer: Suntan lotion
Congratulations: Grant in Melbourne
Today’s Question: “40% of families do this on a regular basis. What is it?”
Answer: Play a board game
Congratulations: Pauline in Newton
Today’s Question: “4% of people are terrified of this bug even though many think it’s cute. What is it?”
Answer: Ladybug
Congratulations: Steven from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “56% of people will not date someone, who is not good at this. What is it?”
Answer: Driving
Congratulations: Jordan from New Providence
Today’s Question: “8% of women say a man who does this for a living is sexy. What is it?”
Answer: Firefighter
Congratulations: Laura from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “24% of people say they get annoyed by this sound. What is it?”
Answer: Dripping tap
Congratulations: Kelly from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “10% of people have given this as a gift even though it might make the recipient blush. What is it?”
Answer: Underwear
Congratulations: Hunter from State Center
Today’s Question: “25% of people have bought this on a whim. What is it?”
Answer: A car
Congratulations: Shawn from Conrad
Today’s Question: “75% of people would give this up for a flatter stomach. What is it?”
Answer: Their television
Congratulations: Bill from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “20% of people eat this for breakfast on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Donut
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of people do this with their pet on a regular basis. What is it?”
Answer: Watch TV
Congratulations: Cindy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “27% of dogs own one of these. What is it?”
Answer: Yellow raincoat
Congratulations: Alexis from Traer
Today’s Question: “The average family has two of these in their kitchen. What is it?”
Answer: Two pieces of children’s artwork on the fridge
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “35% of people say this is the top reason they exercise. What is it?”
Answer: Keep up with their children.
Congratulations: Josh from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “11% of people love topping their pizza with this when they can find a pizzeria that offers it as a topping. What is it?”
Answer: Duck
Congratulations: John from Luzerne
Today’s Question: “22% of parents do this to try and help their child fall asleep at night. What is it?”
Answer: Give them warm milk
Congratulations: Gary from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “33% of people say eating this instantly puts them in a good mood. What is it?”
Answer: Taco
Congratulations: Katie from St. Anthony
Today’s Question: “26% of people eat this when they are having a bad day. What is it?”
Answer: Cake
Congratulations: John from Altoona
Today’s Question: “52% of couples do this together at least three times a week. What is it?”
Answer: Take a selfie together
Congratulations: Ariana from Eldora
Today’s Question: “70% of singles believe putting this on their dating profile helps them garner more interest. What is it?”
Answer: Pic of their their pet
Congratulations: Steve in Ogden
Today’s Question: “44% of parents say this is the grossest thing they touch in their home. What is it?”
Answer: Fridge handle
Congratulations: Dex from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “18% of people do this 15 times or more per day. What is it?”
Answer: Wash their hands
Congratulations: Amelia from Toledo
Today’s Question: “5% of people say their junk drawer contains this. What is it?”
Answer: Scissors
Congratulations: Julie from Brooklyn
Today’s Question “84% of people say this is the top sign you have become a grown up. What is it?”
Answer: Bought your first home
Congratulations: A.J. from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: 50% of foodies say it would be a dating deal-breaker if their date didn’t like the same kind of _____ (food) as they did. What is it?”
Answer: peanut butter
Congratulations: Trish from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “36% of women say a man, who accessorizes with this is sexy. What is it?”
Answer: Aviator sunglasses
Congratulations: Marcus from Gillman
Today’s Question: “34% of people eat this on a daily basis because they believe it improves their health. What is it?”
Answer: A salad
Congratulations: Natalie from Boone
Today’s Question: “Women say this is the second worst thing men do when they are in bed. What is it?”
Answer: Cutting their toenails in bed
Congratulations: Ryan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question “44% of singles say THIS is a bigger turnoff than bad breath. What is it?”
Answer: Bad credit/Credit Card Debt
Congratulations: Kim from Tracy
Today’s Question: “33% of people love eating this when watching football games. What is it?”
Answer: French onion dip
Congratulations: Jeff from Conrad
Today’s Question: “16% of parents say THIS is the toughest thing to teach their teen driver. What is it?”
Answer: parallel parking
Congratulations: Stephanie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “49% of parents get emotional when their child experiences this ‘first’. What is it?”
Answer: lose a tooth
Congratulations: Sarah from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “61% of women wish their partner gave them more of these. What is it?”
Answer: compliments
Congratulations: Robin from Monroe
Today’s Question: “The average person burns 2,724 calories per month doing this around the house. What is it?”
Answer: Mopping
Congratulations: Chad from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people believe that if they do this on a daily basis then their health will improve. What is it?”
Answer: Take vitamins
Congratulations: Kathy in Melbourne
Today’s Question: “19% of people have pretended to be THIS to impress a potential partner. What is it?”
Answer: A vegan or vegetarian
Congratulations: Tammy from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “20% of women would leave their partner if this happened to them. What is it?”
Answer: Lost their hair
Congratulations: Sara from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “31% of adults say this is the hardest thing about parenting a two year-old. What is it?”
Answer: Putting kids to bed
Congratulations: Jeremy from Albion
Today’s Mindbender: “60% of people scroll through their phone during this. What is it?
Answer: Church service
Congratulations: Lana from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “53% of people like doing this good deed in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: Holding a door open for someone
Congratulations: Tim from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “41% of people believe they are compatible with someone if they both like this. What is it?”
Answer: Same hobbies
Congratulations: Kevin from Melcher-Dallas
Today’s Question: “7% of men improve their appearance by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Get waxed
Congratulations: Brendan in Belle Plane
Today’s Question: “62% of online singles say this is the first thing they notice when meeting a date for the first time. What is it?”
Answer: Smile
Congratulations: Lonnie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “45% of people do this when they are stressed. What is it?”
Answer: Shop
Congratulations: Shana in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the #1 food people eat even though it is past its expiration date. What is it?”
Answer: Bread
Congratulations: Tim from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “49% of singles judge a potential partner on this because if they don’t like it they won’t date them. What is it?”
Answer: Their voice
Congratulations: Morgan from Gilman
Today’s Question: “55% of people are spending less on this because they are working from home as opposed to working in an office. What is it?”
Answer: Coffee
Congratulations: Shawna from Newton
Today’s Question: “38% of mothers say this is the thing they look least forward to at the end of the day. What is it?”
Answer: Doing dishes
Congratulations: Landon from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “40% of people say they are more productive when their working environment has this. What is it?”
Answer: Plants
Congratulations: Brenda in Newton
Today’s Question: “65% of people have experienced a nightmare where this happens to them. What is it?”
Answer: Falling
Congratulations: Marge from Albion
Today’s Question: “52% of people say this is the most annoying thing people can do when eating. What is it?”
Answer: Slurp
Congratulations: Brenda from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “15% of people do this in the bathroom mirror every morning. What is it?”
Answer: Pep talk or motivational speech
Congratulations: Brian from Toledo
Today’s Question: “37% of people say a couple is getting serious when this happens. What is it?”
Answer: Delete dating apps from phone
Congratulations: Gina from Newton
Today’s Question: “12% of people have run away from this. What is it?”
Answer: Bee
Congratulations: Bill from Haverhill
Today’s Question: “24% of people say they are addicted to this cereal. What is it?”
Answer: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Congratulations: Ann from Eldora
Today’s Question: “20% of people use this to make sure they have a perfect selfie. What is it?”
Answer: Ring light
Congratulations: Bridgette from Ames
Today’s Question: “30% of people have forgotten to pack this when they go on vacation. What is it?”
Answer: Phone charger
Congratulations: Autumn from Traer
Today’s Question: “33% of people have tried to eat better by giving up this. What is it?”
Answer: Soda
Congratulations: Mitchell from Granger
Today’s Question: “26% of people have turned down a second date because they didn’t like this about their date. What is it?”
Answer: Their bad breath
Congratulations: Amber from Newton
Today’s Question: “10% of people have broken up with someone because of this. What is it?”
Answer: Their snoring
Congratulations: Tim from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “24% of people get embarrassed when they have to buy this. What is it?”
Answer: Hemorrhoid cream
Congratulations: Dave from Collins
Today’s Question: “47% of kids say they don’t have to be reminded when to do this. What is it?”
Answer: Go to bed
Congratulations: Andrea from Conrad
Today’s Question: “41% of people say smelling this brings them joy and relaxes them. What is it?”
Answer: Fresh rain
Congratulations: Amber from Garwin
Today’s Question: “36% of people won’t take a job if their employer doesn’t have this. What is it?”
Answer: A 401K plan for them
Congratulations: Randy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “48% of people say they have to have this when grilling out. What is it?”
Answer: Watermelon
Congratulations: Tracy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “17% of Summer travelers say this is their biggest pet peeve about fellow airplane passengers. What is it?”
Answer: ”Maximum Recliners’
Congratulations: Terry from Newton
Today’s Mindbender: “22% of people have this U.S. landmark on their bucket list to visit. What is it?”
Answer: Niagra Falls
Congratulations: Martin from Pleasant Hill
Today’s Question: “31% of kids have never eaten one of these. What is it?”
Answer: An orange
Congratulations: Kim from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “29% of people say this is the bug they hate the most. What is it?”
Answer: Ants
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Men are 70% more likely than women to do this on their phone while driving. What is it?”
Answer: Watch videos
Congratulations: Ashley from Rhodes
Today’s Question: “33% of couples already have this by the time they get married. What is it?”
Answer: Children
Congratulations: Brian from Monona
Today’s Question: “3% of people have done this while drunk. What is it?”
Answer: tattoo
Congratulations: Katie from Watkins
Today’s Question: “12% of women say this is the biggest pet peeve they have about their partner’s driving. What is it?”
Answer: Playing the radio too loudly
Congratulations: Alex from Newton
Today’s Question: “33% of people say doing this first thing in the morning snaps them out of a grumpy mood. What is it?”
Answer: A hot shower
Congratulations: Brenda from Conrad
Today’s Question: “42% of people, who go on a diet say this is the first thing they cut back on. What is it?”
Answer: Fast Food
Congratulations: Terry from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “17% of Millennials would rather give this up for a week than their phone. What is it?”
Answer: Their Toothbrush
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “The three most common free foods given out at work are Pizza, cakes and _____ What….
Answer: Cookies
Congratulations: Nicole from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “33% of fathers want this for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Beer
Congratulations: Brad from Tama
Today’s Question: “For 28% of people, this is the most common impulse buy. What is it?”
Answer: Shoes
Congratulations: Greg from Newton
Today’s Question: “45% of women would not go on a date without wearing this. What is it?”
Answer: Lipstick
Congratulations: Terry from Toledo
Today’s Question: “70% of women say it’s sexy when a man does this in the kitchen. What is it?”
Answer: Bake
Congratulations: Michael from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people say eating this specific fast food item is their guilty pleasure. What is it?”
Answer: French fries
Congratulations: Cheryl from State Center
Today’s Question: “42% of women find it gross when their partner does this on the couch. What is it?”
Answer: Clips toenails
Congratulations: Jason from Eldora
Today’s Question: “15% of dads want this gift for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Coffee mug
Congratulations: Diane from Tama
Today’s Question: “16% of married people will not allow their spouse to have access to this. What is it?”
Answer: Their credit card.
Congratulations: Deb from Beaman
Today’s Question: “Parents say their teen son or daughter does this 50% more in the Summer. What is it?”
Answer: Snack
Congratulations: Michelle from Colo
Today’s Question: “50% of people say their partner does this in bed. What is it?”
Answer: Hits the snooze button
Congratulations: Rosemary from Iowa Falls
Today’s Question: “14% of Millennials and teens have specifically done this with their phone while in the car. What is it?”
Answer: Made a Tik Tok video
Congratulations: Sherry from Colfax
Today’s Question: “Only 5% of women feel guilty after consuming an extra one of these. What is it?”
Answer: A glass of wine
Congratulations: Clay from Sully
Today’s Question: “36% of people have embarrassed themselves during a work meeting by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Hiccup
Congratulations: Lonnie in Eldora
Today’s Question: “44% of people don’t post this on social media because they are worried about their boss seeing it. What is it?”
Answer: Their political views
Congratulations: Laura in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “44% of parents have tried to bribe their child to get them to stop doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Stop throwing a temper tantrum
Congratulations: Missy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “32% of people say buying this makes them happy. What is it?”
Answer: Jewelry
Congratulations: Terry from Albion
Today’s Question: “30% of people do this before bed. What is it?”
Answer: Listen to music
Congratulations: Kristin in New Providence
Today’s Question: 35% of adults said they’d like to have this in their car, What is it?
Answer: A Refrigerator
Congratulations: Allison from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “34% of fathers would be okay receiving this as a gift on Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Socks
Congratulations: Jaamie from Albion
Today’s Question: “13% of newlyweds want this as a wedding gift. What is it?”
Answer: Gift card
Congratulations: Corey in Garwin
Today’s Question: “32% of pets have chewed and/or eaten this household item. What is it?”
Answer: Toilet paper
Congratulations: Garrett in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “21% of people say this is their least favorite thing to clean in their home. What is it?”
Final Clue: Countertop
Congratulations: Bill from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Monday is the best day to buy this because prices are at their lowest for it. What is it?”
Final Clue: Gas
Congratulations: Dolo from Melbourne
Today’s Mindbender: “Singles say this is the second biggest turn-off when it comes to dating. What is it?”
Final Clue: Piercings
Congratulations: Hailey from Albion
Today’s Question: “48% of people do this in the middle of the night. What is it?”
Answer: Check Emails
Congratulations: Scott from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “48% of people say this is their biggest customer service hotline pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: Transferring again and again
Congratulations: Marge from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Two percent of people have never eaten one of these. What is it?”
Answer: A taco
Congratulations: Terri from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “51% of people have borrowed this from a roommate without telling them. What is it?”
Answer: Shampoo
Congratulations: Kendal from Clemons
Today’s Question: “82% of people daydream about this at work. What is it?”
Answer: A vacation
Congratulations: Barbie from Toledo
Today’s Question: “41% of people, who have one of these, have a picture of it on their wall. What is it?”
Answer: Their cat
Congratulations: Ema from New Providence
Today’s Question: “Washing dishes is the most hated chore. What is the FOURTH most hated one?
Answer: vacuuming
Congratulations: Amber from Garwin
Today’s Question: “34% of people say this is the first thing they notice when they enter someone’s home. What is it?”
Answer: Odor
Congratulations: Ally from Conrad
Today’s Question: “32% of people say buying this gives them a rush. What is it?”
Answer: Jewelry
Congratulations: Tony from Urbandale
Today’s Question: “The average man spends 89 minutes a day doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Play video games
Congratulations: Shannon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “48% of Millennials would give up eating at this restaurant for the rest of their lives in exchange for being approved for a home mortgage. What is it?”
Answer: Chipotle
Congratulations: Steve from Ogden
Today’s Question: “60% of women say men, who have this physical attribute are sexy. What is it?”
Answer: Chest hair
Congratulations: Becky from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “49% people have made this while quarantining. What is it?”
Answer: Soup
Congratulations: Brad in Marshalltown
Today’s Mindbender: “33% of people do this in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: meditate
Congratulations: Genessa in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Women clean this once a month while men do it once a year. What is it?”
Answer: Home windows
Congratulations: Randy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “58% of people dislike this sandwich What is it?”
Answer: Egg salad sandwich
Congratulations: Chris from Gilman
Today’s Question: “10% of families will do this on Easter. What is it?”
Answer: Dye Easter eggs
Congratulations: Brenda from Conrad
Today’s Question: “12% of women only wash this when it has visible stains. What is it?”
Answer: Jeans
Congratulations: Brooke from Beaman
Today’s Question: “13% of women regret getting this tattoo. What is it?”
Answer: Barbed wire/tribal tattoo
Congratulations: Amy from Newton
Today’s Question: “50% of people eat this kiddie staple on a regular basis. What is it?”
Answer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Congratulations: Natalie from Boone
Today’s Question: “39% of air travelers will never sit next to someone with this. What is it?”
Answer: A cough
Congratulations: Brandon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “78% of women want a man to do this at the start of their date. What is it?”
Answer: Turn off or silence their phone
Congratulations: Steven from Williamsburg
Today’s Question: “31% of people tell a new partner this after a month of dating. What is it?”
Answer: Their salary
Congratulations: Dee from Elberon
Today’s Question “29% of adults use their kids as an excuse to buy this drink for themselves. What is it?”
Answer: Chocolate milk
Congratulations: Karla in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “7% of adults sleep with this. What is it?”
Answer: Stuffed animal
Congratulations: Paige from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “People, who eat this fruit before bedtime fall asleep 35% faster than those, who don’t. What is it?”
Answer: Kiwi fruit
Congratulations: Lonnie from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “12% of women wish their partner did this more often. What is it?”
Answer: More massages
Congratulations: Jaamie from Albian
Today’s Question: “62% of women have had a secret fantasy about this person. Who is it?”
Answer: Neighbor
Congratulations: Brian from Toledo
Today’s Question: “65% of fathers have already told their children they want this for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Steak
Congratulations: Doug in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Men are 5% more likely than women to do this when driving. What is it?”
Answer: Speed
Congratulations: Jonnie from Steam Boat Rock
Today’s Question: “46% of newlyweds want this for a wedding gift. What is it?”
Answer: Gift card
Congratulations: Debbie from Marshalltown
Question: “5% of dog owners say their dog has damaged this. What is it?”
Answer: Couch
Congratulations: Becky in Lynnville
Today’s Question: “26% of women would rather do this than be romantic in the bedroom. What is it?”
Answer: Warm bath or Bubble bath
Congratulations: Connie from Toledo
Today’s Question: “22% of people will drink this during Spring Break. What is it?”
Answer: Margarita
Congratulations: Nathan from Gilman
Today’s Question: “15% of mothers do this for their adult sons. What is it?”
Answer: Iron their clothes
Congratulations: Kevin in Dallas
Today’s Question: “40% of people, who eat this for breakfast are seen as intelligent. What is it?”
Answer: Yogurt
Congratulations: Mitchell in Granger
Today’s Question: “33% of college students have used their student loan money to buy this on Spring Break. What is it?”
Answer: Clothes
Congratulations: Brad in Wellsburg
Today’s Question: “11% of people have fallen asleep in this public place. Where is it?”
Answer: Church
Congratulations: Amy in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40% of college students have done this on Spring Break. What is it?”
Answer: Passed out
Congratulations: Chris from Gilman
Today’s Question: “68% of people share secrets with this person. Who is it?”
Answer: Hair stylist
Congratulations: Bill in Albion
Today’s Question: “Working mothers say coffee, babysitters and this are their top three guilty pleasures and lifesavers. What is it?”
Answer: Drink wine
Congratulations: Shannon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “10% of people have eaten six or more of these in one meal. What is it?”
Answer: Tacos
Congratulations: Kellie in Eldora
Today’s Question: “21% of people spend their daily ‘me time’ here. Where is it?”
Answer: Coffee shop
Congratulations: Stephanie in Eldora
Today’s Question: “47% of people are uncomfortable talking about this when it comes to themselves. What is it?”
Answer: Their debt
Congratulations: Ryan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “According to a survey this is the #1 house rule. What is it?”
Answer: Take shoes off upon entering
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “49% of people love eating this when they are drunk. What is it?”
Answer: Nachos
Congratulations: Lyle from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “The average person does this 92 times a day or 12 more times a day than they did in 2017. What is it?”
Answer: Unlocks their phone
Congratulations: Kyle from Cedar Rapids
Today’s Question: “18% of people regret wearing this during their teen years. What is it?”
Answer: Tie-dye t-shirt
Congratulations: Diane from Tama
Today’s Question: “44% of women feel confident when they are wearing this. What is it?”
Answer: Perfume
Congratulations: Larry in Union
Today’s Question: “57% of employees skip lunch and instead, spend their time doing this. What is it?”
Answer: spend time on social media
Congratulations: Shirley in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “4% of couples have met here. Where is it?”
Answer: Church
Congratulations: Scott in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average person waits five months and 24 days before doing this in front of a new partner. What is it?”
Answer: Crying
Congratulations: Jenny from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “39% of Millennials would give up this food in exchange for owning their own home. What is it?”
Answer: Avocado
Congratulations: David from Union
Today’s Question: ”25% of people have broken a diet with this. What is it?”
Answer: Taco
Congratulations: Paul from Tama
Today’s Question: ”Every person has a number for this. Only 36% of people know it. What is it?”
Answer: Cholesterol level
Congratulations: Todd from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”15% of people would rather give up social media than this. What is it?”
Answer: Netflix
Congratulations: Kristen from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”Doing this relaxing activity burns 140 calories. What is it?”
Answer: Bubble bath
Congratulations: June from Baxter
Today’s Question: ”14 million of these will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday. What is it?”
Answer: Hamburgers
Congratulations: Quincy in Gladbrook
Today’s Question: ”10% of people want movie theatres to serve this healthy snack. What is it?”
Answer: Carrot sticks
Congratulations: Dave in Whitten
Today’s Question: ”15%- 20% of middle age people squint when they have to read this. What is it?”
Answer: Road signs
Congratulations: Austin in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”10% of Super Bowl watchers buy this before the Big Game. What is it?”
Answer: A Jersey
Congratulations: Mike from Grimes
Today’s Question: ”44% of people have gone here on a date. Where is it?”
Answer: McDonald’s
Congratulations: Jessie from Maxwell
Today’s Question: ”28% of people have less stress after they do this outdoors. What is it?”
Answer: Go for a motorcycle ride
Congratulations: Tom from Beaman
Today’s Question: ”99% of the people, who apply for this job don’t get it. What is it?”
Answer: Secret Service
Congratulations: Brad from Mitchellville
Today’s Question: ”Using this exercise word in your dating profile boosts your number of matches by up to 160%. What is the word?”
Answer: ‘Pilates’
Congratulations: David from Eldora
Today’s Question: ”Men say this is the second best thing about being a guy. What is it?”
Answer: Not having to give birth
Congratulations: Raelynn in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”80% of men get embarrassed when they order this at a restaurant. What is it?”
Answer: Diet soft drink
Congratulations: Jordan in Gilbert
Today’s Question: ”Women find men, who have this 2.5 times more attractive than men who don’t. What is it?”
Answer: Manicured nails
Congratulations: Stephanie from Melbourne
Today’s Question: “61% of women do not want this for Christmas this year. What is it?”
Answer: Lingerie
Congratulations: Dee in Elberon
Today’s Question: “42% of people have purchased this for their pet. What is it?”
Answer: Clothes/costume
Congratulations: Adam from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “14% of married couples plan to do this in the future because they think it will improve their relationship. What is it?”
Answer: Renew their vows
Congratulations: Chad in Pella
Today’s Question: “60% of people say they would be lost without this. What is it?”
Answer: Their TV
Congratulations: Kelly in Eldora
Today’s Question: ”16% of people have a scrapbook dedicated to this. What is it?”
Answer: Their pet
Congratulations: Brooke from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: ”Over 300,000 people will do this during the month of January. What is it?”
Answer: Join a health club
Congratulations: Kristi from LeGrand
Today’s Question: ”60% of people do this while exercising. What is it?”
Answer: Listen to music
Congratulations: Brandon from Belle Plaine
Today’s Question: ”42% of people get this in the Winter. What is it?”
Answer: Dry skin
Congratulations: William from Albion
Today’s Question: ”20% of online daters are more inclined to date someone if they have this. What is it?”
Answer: A dog
Congratulations: Janessa in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”53% of people say this is the food they miss most when dieting. What is it?”
Answer: Chocolate
Congratulations: Lacey in Newton
Today’s Question: ”82% of women do all of this in their household during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: Wrapping holiday gifts
Congratulations: Karla from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”The average person does this nine times between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. What is it?”
Answer: Watch a holiday movie
Congratulations: Dee from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”17% of dogs have been deemed naughty because they did this during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: Ate a decoration
Congratulations: Josh from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”13% of women don’t want to receive this as a holiday gift. What is it?”
Answer: Candles
Congratulations: Tiffany from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”This happens to 33.1% of unwanted holiday gifts. What is it?”
Answer: Donated to charity
Congratulations: Ryan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”75% of women say they do this more during the holiday season than at any other time during the year. What is it?”
Answer: Clean their home
Congratulations: Scott from Steamboat Rock
Today’s Question: ”7% of people have stolen this from a hotel room. What is it?”
Answer: Light bulb
Congratulations: Jordan from New Providence
Today’s Question: ”10% of men have had a romantic dream about this former person in their life. Who is it?”
Answer: Former teacher or professor
Congratulations: Kim from LeGrand
Today’s Question: ”Sales of this expensive item spike by 40% in the weeks before Christmas. What is it?”
Answer: Diamond Jewelry
Congratulations: Larry from Laurel
Today’s Question: ”33% of people will do this by noon on Christmas Day. What is it?”
Answer: Have an alcoholic drink
Congratulations: Brad from Eldora
Today’s Question: ”33% of women say they exercise because they love indulging in this. What is it?”
Answer: Ice cream
Congratulations: Shannon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”24% of families plan to decorate their holiday tree with an ornament of this mythical creature. What is it?”
Answer: Unicorn
Congratulations: Jo Jo from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”28% of people say this is their favorite dip during football games. What is it?”
Answer: Queso
Congratulations: Shelly from Laurel
Today’s Question: ”This is the most common injury among FIGHTING Black Friday shoppers. What is it?”
Answer: Concussion
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ” says this is the most regrettable drunk online holiday purchase. What is it?”
Answer: Smartphone
Congratulations: Alice in Eldora
Today’s Question: ”23% of men don’t know this about their partner. What is it?”
Answer: Her dress size
Congratulations: Joe in Iowa City
Today’s Question: ”60 million boxes of this are sold each year. What is it?”
Answer: Stove Top stuffing
Congratulations: Melissa from Malcom
Today’s Question: “6% of people say their biggest pet peeve in life is people, who do this too slowly. What is it?”
Answer: Change lanes
Congratulations: Kevin from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “50% of drivers have seen another driver do this in the past month. What is it?”
Answer: throw litter out their window
Congratulations: Rosanne from Ottumwa
Today’s Question: “19% of men check this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Their hairline
Congratulations: Tracy from Osceola
Today’s Question: “37% of business executives had this as a pet when they were younger. What is it?”
Answer: Rabbit
Congratulations: Brad from Mitchellville
Today’s Question: “33% of men are turned off by a woman, who has this. What is it?”
Answer: Fake tan/Spray tan
Congratulations: Zack from Laurel
Today’s Question: “The average parent spends 22 minutes a night doing this with their young children. What is it?”
Answer: Reading a bedtime story
Congratulations: Jean from Nevada
Today’s Question: “22% of women and 29% of men have headed to this restaurant after a night of partying. What restaurant?”
Answer: Taco Bell
Congratulations: Brendon of Belle Plain
Today’s Question: “32% of women and 18% of men have had a nightmare about losing this. What is it?”
Answer: Teeth
Congratulations: Jan in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Downing this one hour before your workout will improve your results and performance by 30%. What is it?”
Answer: Coffee
Congratulations: Laura in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “31% of women won’t go on a date without wearing this makeup. What is it?”
Answer: Mascara
Congratulations: Shelby in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “16% of women have spied on their partner by checking this. What is it?”
Answer: GPS history
Congratulations: Shana in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “3% of men have tried to improve their appearance by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Wax their chest
Congratulations: Joe from Carlisle
Today’s Question: “53% of people say eating this puts them in a food coma. What is it?”
Answer: Burger
Congratulations: Craig from Baxter
Today’s Question: “15% of people wish they had more time to do this at home. What is it?”
Answer: Cook meals
Congratulations: Sabrina from New Sharon
Today’s Question: “10% of college students spend their time in class doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Playing a video game on their phone
Congratulations: Dave from Steam Boat Rock
Today’s Question: “13% of male online daters are seen as more attractive if they are holding this in a profile pic. What is it?”
Answer: A puppy
Congratulations: Beth from Melbourne
Today’s Question: “24% of people say this is their favorite thing to dip their chips in while watching a sporting event on TV. What is it?”
Answer: Ranch dressing
Congratulations: Andrea from Garwin
Today’s Question: “People report being 21% happier after doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Attending a concert
Congratulations: Kellie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “13% of people have dropped their phone in this. What is it?”
Answer: Beer
Congratulations: Joy in New Sharon
Today’s Question: “Scientists at Seoul National University in Korea say eating this makes you look younger by preventing wrinkles. What is it?”
Answer: chocolate
Congratulations: Garrett in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “30% of women and 35% of men hold their breath when doing this. What is it?”
Answer: While driving in a tunnel (done for good luck)
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “24% of women stop doing this in the Winter. What is it?”
Answer: Shaving their arm pits
Congratulations: Kathy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “5% of people will stop doing this during the upcoming holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: Counting calories
Congratulations: Matt from Newton
Today’s Question: “16% of women would give up this for a year to remain cold and flu-free this Winter. What is it?”
Answer: Shopping
Congratulations: Becky from Eldora
Today’s Question: “37% of people do this on their phone at work. What is it?
Answer: Stream Netflix
Congratulations: Ali from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “25% of people have sat next to someone on a plane, who annoyed them by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Passed gas
Congratulations: Brad from Garwin
Today’s Question “Only 10% of singles say this is a good first date activity. What is it?”
Answer: Bowling
Congratulations: Rich from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “66% of women use this product on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Anti-aging cream
Congratulations: Heather from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “64% of people own something made by this company. What company is it?”
Answer: Apple
Congratulations: Rusty from Ames
Today’s Question: “12% of women say this is the biggest pet peeve they have about their partner’s driving. What is it?”
Answer: Plays the radio too loud
Congratulations: Shannon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “24% of people crave this dessert in the Fall. What is it?”
Answer: Pecan pie
Congratulations: Steve from Ogden
Today’s Question: “26% of people will start doing this on November 1st. What is it?”
Answer: Start listening to holiday music
Congratulations: Kim from Albion
Today’s Question: “7% of men do this on their phone when they are sitting on the toilet. What is it?”
Today’s Question: “A study by Cardiff University reveals that doing this increases alertness by 10%. What is it?”
Answer: Chewing gum
Congratulations: Jenny from Beaman
Today’s Question: “A Manchester University study says consuming this can help you look younger. What is it?”
Answer: Pizza .. tomato paste prevents sunburn and protects against premature wrinkles
Congratulations: Chelsea of Montezuma
Today’s Question: “Researchers say people, who have this in their bedroom sleep better than those, who don’t. What is it?”
Answer: White walls
Congratulations: Brenda from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “10% of women would rather check their Facebook account than do this with their partner. What is it?”
Answer: Cuddle
Congratulations: Brad from Eldora
Today’s Question: “This is the top male profession that female online daters swipe right on. What is it?”
Answer: Pilot
Congratulations: Nate in Gillman
Today’s Question: “12% of women wish their partner would do this more often around the house. What is it?”
Answer: Put the toilet seat down
Congratulations: Stephanie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “10% of people say wearing this at work improves your chances of a promotion. What is it?”
Answer: Eyeglasses
Congratulations: Ryan in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “59% of people say doing this means you do not trust your partner. What is it?”
Answer: Their credit card bills
Congratulations: Curt from Grundy Center
Today’s Question: “30% of adult men say their mother still does this for them. What is it?”
Answer: Buys them clothes
Congratulations: Carly in Clutier
Today’s Question: “17% of brides wish they could go back in time and change this about their wedding reception. What is it?”
Answer: The bouquet
Congratulations: Jim in Montezuma
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing women think about while showering. What is it?”
Answer: Chores
Congratulations: Jodi from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “46% of women do this when their partner is sick. What is it?”
Answer: Run a warm bath
Congratulations: Michelle Risius from Steamboat Rock
Today’s Question: “The average woman spends 11 minutes a day doing this in the bathroom. What is it?”
Answer: Blow drying her hair
Congratulations: Kari in Hudson
Today’s Question: “Every car has THIS. It was invented by a man, but perfected by a woman.. What is it?”
Answer: Windshield wipers
Congratulations: Steven from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “10% of women would feel more guilty about doing this than cheating on their partner. What is it?”
Answer: breaking their diet
Congratulations: Gary of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “38% of people in this profession get divorced. What is it?”
Answer: Bartender
Congratulations: Char of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “37% of college football fans will eat this while tailgating this year. What is it?”
Answer: Brat
Congratulations: Terry from Albion
Today’s Question: “13% of men would rather have more of this than more hair. What is it?”
Answer: Friends
Congratulations: Hanna from Rock Valley
Today’s Question: “66% of teens do this in the middle of the night. What is it?”
Answer: Raid the fridge
Congratulations: Kayla from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “8% of men have attempted to stream a game or check a score while doing this in the company of others. What is it?”
Answer: attending a church service
Congratulations: Brittany from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “15% of people with tattoos have a tattoo of this on their body. What is it?”
Answer: Their pet or pet name
Congratulations: Ellen from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Online daters who post pictures of themselves wearing this are 41% less likely to get a message. What is it?”
Answer: Sunglasses
Congratulations: David from Eldora
Today’s Question: “Doing this while driving increases the chances of a crash by 12 times. What is it?”
Answer: Dialing a phone number
Congratulations: Thomas from Ackley
Today’s Question: “6% of married people met their spouse here. Where is it?
Answer: gym
Congratulations: Russ from Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Doing this chore for one hour burns 204 calories. What is it?”
Answer: Cleaning windows
Congratulations: Ellie from Toledo
Today’s Question: “This is the most common online purchase when drunk. What is it?”
Answer: Concert tickets
Congratulations: Brendon from Belle Plain
Today’s Question: “37% of people would give this up for a month in order to get their bills paid. What is it?”
Answer: Watching TV
Congratulations: Tracy from Newton
Today’s Question: “50% of kids use this five times a day. What is it?”
Answer: Google
Congratulations: Scott from Belle Plaine
Today’s Question: “5% of people have purchased this while drunk. What is it?”
Answer: CD
Congratulations: Tom from Webster City
Today’s Question: “39% of people love to be complimented about this. What is it?”
Answer: Their eyeglasses
Congratulations: Julie from Tama
Today’s Question: “37% of parents have taught their kids how to do this. What is it?”
Answer: Swim
Congratulations: Kam from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “16% of people say this was their least beneficial class. What is it?”
Answer: Art class
Congratulations: Matt from Story City
Today’s Question: “63% of people eat this on a road trip. What is it?”
Answer: French fries
Congratulations: Emily from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “34% of people have lied to their partner about this. What is it?”
Answer: How much they earn .. annual salary
Congratulations: Tyler from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “58% of college students have never accessed this online. What is it?”
Answer: A dating app
Congratulations: Blake from Eldora
Today’s Question: “8% of people have dreamed about having a tryst here. Where is it?
Answer: Cemetery
Congratulations: Gabby from St. Anthony
oday’s Question: “The average parent will buy two to four of these during their back-to-school shopping. What is it?”
Answer: Jeans
Congratulations: Kelly from Eldora
Today’s Question: “62% of people would refuse to give this up if their partner asked them to. What is it?”
Answer: Eating Meat
Congratulations: Garrett from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “12% of men would rather spend time doing this chore than spend time with their family. What is it?”
Answer: washing their favorite car
Congratulations: Melissa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “91% of women say their partner does this in bed. What is it?”
Answer: steals the covers
Congratulations: Jennifer from Clutier
Today’s Question: “27% of women feel younger when they have this. What is it?”
Answer: blonde hair
Congratulations: Brandon from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “Hyundai owners are the most likely to leave this in their car. What is it?”
Answer: dirty diapers
Congratulations: Lonnie from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “Research suggests that men can boost their fertility level and libido if they eat this. What is it?”
Answer: Tomato soup (not just tomatoes)
Congratulations: Jillian from Johnston
Today’s Question: “20% of people are currently dating someone, who has these. What is it?”
Answer: Tattoos
Congratulations: Kaleb in Kellogg
Today’s Question: “7% of people do this four or more times a day even though they know it is not healthy for them. What is it?”
Answer: Drink alot of soda
Congratulations: Blair from Eldora
Today’s Question: “Only 2% of people think these tattoos are sexy. What is it?”
Answer: butt tattoos
Congratulations: Joy from New Sharon
Today’s Question: “11% of boys grow up wanting to be this. What is it?”
Answer: Astronaut
Congratulations: Devin from Clutier
Today’s Question: “5% of people do this when they leave their pet at home. What is it?”
Answer: Skype or FaceTime with them
Congratulations: Marge of Albion
Today’s Question: “18% of people say this is the first thing they check out when they enter someone’s home for the first time. What is it?”
Answer: Their Couch
Congratulations: Terry from Newton
Today’s Question: “10% of people have played this game while drunk. What is it?”
Answer: Mini Golf
Congratulations: Charity from Tama
Today’s Question: “1 million boxes of this are sold each day. What is it?”
Answer: Mac and Cheese
Congratulations: Tom from Beaman
Today’s Question: “31% of people would be willing to give this up for a year in order to get rid of credit card debt. What is it?”
Answer: Social media accounts
Congratulations: Tammy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “18% of people do this while on a stationary bike at the gym. What is it?”
Answer: Play video games
Congratulations: McKenna from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of people have ignored a call from their boss because they were doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Swimming
Congratulations: Devon from Monroe
Today’s Question: “18% of people wish their company offered this work perk. What is it?”
Answer: Tuition reimbursement
Congratulations: Whitney from State Center
Today’s Question: “82% of people say this is their biggest beach pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: People, who smoke at the beach
Congratulations: Janessa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is from the 80’s. …37% of teens and tweens wouldn’t know what it is if they were holding it. What is it?”
Answer: Video cassette from VCR
Congratulations: Janessa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “17% of people always bring this home from a vacation. What is it?”
Answer: Soap/shampoo from hotels
Congratulations: Whitaker from Gillman
Today’s Question: “67% of people say doing this helps them fall asleep. What is it?”
Answer: Take Sleeping pills
Congratulations: Shannon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “34% of people have broken a diet with this. What is it?”
Answer: Cake
Congratulations: Dale from Conrad
Today’s Question “28% of Millennials would rather give up this for a week than their phone. What is it?”
Answer: their pet
Congratulations: Jenna in Grinnell
Today’s Question: “60 million adults will procrastinate about this in the next year. What is it?”
Answer: Painting their home
Congratulations: Missy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “It takes the average person 42 muscles to do this. What is it?”
Answer: frown
Congratulations: Lyle from Chelsea
Today’s Question: “This kind of performer burns two calories per minute when performing. What kind of performer is it?
Answer: Opera singer
Congratulations: Danielle from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Men are 11 times more likely than women to brag about this. What is it?”
Answer: how good their lawn looks
Congratulations: Todd in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “6% of people have done this on a first date. What is it?”
Answer: Exercise
Congratulations: Logan from Marshalltown
Today’s Question “36% of people have broken a diet with this. What is it?”
Answer: Cookies
Congratulations: Teresa from Baxter
Today’s Question: “37% of people have craved this sweet in the last month. What is it?”
Answer: Brownie
Congratulations: Andrea from Garwin
Today’s Question: “28% of people say this is absolutely essential for a good night’s sleep. What is it?”
Answer: Pillow
Congratulations: Katie from Watkins
Today’s Question: “12% of women say their partner drives them nuts when he does this at home. What is it?”
Answer: Lower the toilet seat
Congratulations: Glenda from Ferguson
Today’s Question: “59% of people say they plan to visit one of these on their next vacation. What is it?”
Answer: Amusement park
Congratulations: Brett from Garwin
Today’s Question: “The average person touches this 2,617 times a day. What is it?”
Answer: their smartphone/Cellphone/Mobile Phone
Congratulations: Rusty from Ellsworth
Today’s Question: “60% of women have never received a compliment about this. What is it?”
Answer: Their Skin
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “18% of people do this at the gym when on an exercise bike. What is it?”
Answer: Play Video Games
Congratulations: Paul of Conrad
Today’s Question: “39% of people say this is a first date turn-off. What is it?”
Answer: Talking poorly about an ex
Congratulations: Stacy from New Sharon
Today’s Question: “54% of people don’t know how to replace this on their car. What is it?”
Answer: Windshield Wipers
Congratulations: Elliot in Grinnell
Today’s Question: “Male online daters will receive 33% more messages if they have this. What is it?”
Answer: A Degree
Congratulations: Emily in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “3% of people kill time at work by doing this on their phone. What is it?”
Answer: surf dating apps or sites
Congratulations: Cordell in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “61% of women have gotten upset with their partner because they did this while driving. What is it?”
Answer: Litter
Congratulations: Tami from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “25% of parents say their children eat more of this during the Summer than they do during the school year. What is it?”
Answer: Sweets
Congratulations: Trevor in Tama
Today’s Question: “20% of men are jealous of their best friend because their best friend has a better ____________ . What is it?”
Answer: Hairline or hair
Congratulations: DeAnna from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “25% of people have done this on the toilet. What is it?”
Answer: Take a selfie
Congratulations: Tiffany in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40% of workers have secretly done this at work when no one else was watching. What is it?
Answer: Adjusted their workplace thermostat
Congratulations: Patrick from Gladbrook
Today’s Question: “34% of parents say this is the most annoying kids show. What is it?”
Answer: Peppa Pig
Congratulations: Terra from State Center
Today’s Question: “6% of dads want this for Father’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Beard/Hair Trimmer
Congratulations: Vivian in Union
Today’s Question: “5% of people never drink this. What is it?”
Answer: Milk
Congratulations: Kevin from Dallas
Today’s Question: “39% of pets do this when they sleep in bed with their owner. What is it?”
Answer: Sleep with their head on a pillow
Congratulations: Erika from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Doing this household chore burns 25 calories. What is it?”
Answer: Making the Bed
Congratulations: Rachel from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “47% of people say this was their favorite school food item. What is it?”
Answer: Cheese Sticks
Congratulation: Steve from Kellogg
Today’s Question: “The average kid eats 70 of these a year. What is it?”
Answer: Hot Dogs
Congratulation: Kelly from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Experts say people shouldn’t toss these after using them in the morning because they can be placed in stinky sneakers to make them smell good. What is it?”
Answer: Tea bags
Congratulation: Another Laura from Marshalltown!!
Today’s Question: “People, who wear this have no idea that it is eight times dirtier than a toilet seat. What is it?”
Answer: Fitbit
Congratulation: Laura from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “14% of people are currently driving a car that has this problem. What is it?”
Answer: Cracked Windshield
Congratulation: Donnie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “63% of people give this table food to their dog. What is it?”
Answer: Ham
Congratulation: Dennis in Gillman
Today’s Question: “58% of people say they laugh when their father does this. What is it?”
Answer: Tells a (bad) dad joke
Congratulation: Tim in Hubbard
Today’s Question: “28% of dogs sleep here at night. Where is it?”
Answer: A chair
Congratulation: Larry from Union
Today’s Question: “40% of people say their father is most like this TV dad. Who is it?”
Answer: Tim Allen’s Tim “The Toolman” Taylor character
Congratulation: Jacki from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “58% of people say this is their least favorite sandwich. What is it?”
Answer: Egg Salad
Congratulation: Michelle from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “44% of women feel more confident when they have this even though others know it is fake. What is it?”
Answer: Fake Tan
Congratulation: Doug of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “30% of people wash this on a weekly basis. What is it?”
Answer: Their Car
Congratulation: John from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “39% of people do this first thing in the morning. What is it?”
Answer: Check Emails
Congratulation: Tisha in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Women clean this once a month while men clean it once a year. What is it?”
Answer: Their home’s windows
Congratulation: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Mindbender: “10% of people have eaten six or more of these at one meal. What is it?”
Answer: Tacos
Congratulation: Brett from Garwin
Today’s Question: “15% of people have blown off a workout because they were too busy doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Watching Netflix
Congratulation: Gail Hass from Garwin
Today’s Question: “37% of people have embarrassed themselves in a work meeting by doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Hiccup
Congratulation: Jennifer from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “79% of health nuts have tried this health fad. What is it?”
Answer: Celery Juice
Congratulation: Jeremiah from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “6% of people eat this for breakfast on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Hard Boiled Egg.
Congratulation: Deb from Hubbard
Today’s Question: “38% of people say others should not wear this to restaurants once they reopen following the coronavirus pandemic. What is it?”
Answer: Flip Flops
Congratulation: Christy from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “14% of brides joined this before their wedding day. What is it?”
Answer: Weight Watchers
Congratulation: Brandon from Belle Plaine
Today’s Question: “20% of people will visit this locale once the coronavirus lockdown ends. What is it?”
Answer: Dog park
Congratulation: Adam in Baxter
Today’s Question: “31% of students have given this to a teacher at one time or another. What is it?”
Answer: Coffee mug
Congratulation: Julie in Tama
Today’s Question “26% of people do this when they make a home cooked meal. What is it?”
Answer: Dance
Congratulation: Jay from Nevada
Today’s Question: “30% of women have considered this plastic surgery. What is it?”
Answer: Tummy tuck
Congratulation: Sandy from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “53% of people have broken a diet with this. What is it?”
Answer: Pie
Congratulation: Sally from Ames
Today’s Question: “20% of germ-o-phobes say this is the first thing they check for when entering someone’s home. What is it?”
Answer: Dust
Congratulation: RaeLynn of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “35% of people don’t wash their clothes after doing this exercise. What is it?”
Answer: Yoga
Congratulation: Mindy from Colo
Today’s Question: “This is one of the top three pet peeves of people, who binge watch movies and TV shows with others. What is it?”
Answer: Loud chewing or chewing with mouth open
Congratulation: Bill in Albion
Today’s Question: “16 billion of these will be eaten on Easter. What is it?”
Answer: Jelly Beans
Congratulation: Terry from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “53% of people do this for their pet before leaving the house. What is it?”
Answer: switch on a light
Congratulation: Susie from State Center
Today’s Question: “66% of women would rather receive this everyday from their partner than an expensive gift like a handbag. What is it?”
Answer: Cup of coffee brewed for them
Congratulation: Brenda from Albion
Today’s Question: “College Stats says this is the most disliked college course. What is it?”
Answer: Calculus
Congratulation: Matthew from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “23% of people have eaten this after finding it in their couch. What is it?”
Answer: Candy
Congratulation: Julie from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “50% of people allow their dogs to do this. What is it?”
Answer: Lick them on their mouth and lips
Congratulation: Anthony from State Center
Today’s Question: “58% of people have consumed this while binge watching a show on Netflix. What is it?”
Answer: Drink wine
Congratulation: Charity from Tama
Today’s Question: “24% of people have this food at every barbecue and cookout. What is it?”
Answer: potato salad
Congratulation: Sheila from Haverhill
Today’s Question: ”16% of teens don’t think they could last a day without this. What is it?”
Answer: Their laptop
Congratulation: Terry from Albion
Today’s Question: ”53% of women say this is the most stressful thing about going to the doctor. What is it?”
Answer: getting weighed
Congratulation: Kody from Eldora
Today’s Question: ”This is the top thing people photoshop and edit before posting a selfie. What is it?”
Answer: Red eyes
Congratulation: John from Oskaloosa
Today’s Question: ”65% of fathers have used this as an incentive to get their kids to do more chores. What is it?”
Answer: Ice cream
Congratulation: Garrett from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”A study by Harvard Medical School reveals that eating THIS slashes a person’s risk of an abnormal heartbeat by more than 20%. What is it?”
Answer: Chocolate
Congratulation: Nikki in State Center
Today’s Question: ”23% of self quarantining women have stopped doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Stopped shaving their armpits.
Congratulation: Trevor from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”34% of mothers love stealing this food from their children’s plates. What is it?
Answer: Mac and Cheese
Congratulation: Kevin from Ellis
Today’s Question: ”5% of people kill time at work by looking at this on the net. What is it?”
Answer: Pinterest
Congratulation: Andrew in Marshalltown
Today’s Question ”Female online daters, who are fans of this TV show receive 30% more messages than women who aren’t fans of the show. What is it?”
Answer: Game of Thrones
Congratulation: Sarah from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”26% of people lie about how often they do this. What is it?
Answer: Go to the gym/exercise
Congratulation: Emily of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”38% of people have lost sleep at night because they were thinking about this bill. What is it?
Answer: Medical bill
Congratulation: Julia from Monroe
Today’s Question: “27% of dogs have chewed on this gadget. What is it?”
Answer: Tablet
Congratulation: Sara in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Online daters, who send messages that compliment someone’s _______get 13% more responses. What is it?”
Answer: Tattoos
Congratulation: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The consumption of this increases by 9% during March Madness. What is it?”
Answer: Desserts
Congratulation: Travis from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”23% of people eat this when binge watching Netflix. What is it?”
Answer: Soup
Congratulation: Brenda from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”Mothers-to-be who boost their intake of this during the first three months of their pregnancy are up to eight times more likely to have babies who cry less. What is it?”
Answer: Steak
Congratulation: Mark in Montezuma
Today’s Question: ”44% of people say this is their biggest gym pet peeve. What is it?”
Answer: People who don’t wipe down equipment after they use it.
Congratulation: Danae in Toledo
Today’s Question: ”43% of women do this on the way to work. What is it?”
Answer: Apply makeup
Congratulations: Ken in Eldora
Today’s Question: ”This is the dirtiest part of an Uber car with over 5 million germs. What is it?”
Answer: Power window buttons
Congratulations: Josh in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”30% of women do this after a poor night of sleep. What is it?”
Answer: Drink more coffee or caffeine
Congratulations: Analea from Tama
Today’s Question: ”This is the second most stolen snack at work. What is it?”
Answer: Fruit
Congratulations: Brandon from LeGrand
Today’s Question: ”43% of pregnant women pamper themselves with this before giving birth. What is it?”
Answer: Pedicure
Congratulations: Gail from Garwin
Today’s Question: ”27% of teens own this. What is it?”
Answer: smartwatch
Congratulations: Emily from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”16% of single men say this is the first thing they look at on a dating profile. What is it?”
Answer: job status
Congratulations: Dawn of New Hartford
Today’s Question: ”40% of people have unknowingly left the house in the morning with this stain on their shirt. What is it?”
Answer: Toothpaste
Congratulations: Dakota from Rhodes
Today’s Question: ”Spring Cleaning experts say this drink can be used to safely polish furniture. What is it?”
Answer: Beer
Congratulations: Scott from Steamboat Rock
Today’s Question: ”18% of women will swipe right on a dating profile if a man is pictured with this. What is it?”
Answer: A beard
Congratulations: Matt from Newton
Today’s Question: ”A survey of 64,000 people lists this as the top comfort food. What is it?”
Answer: Grilled cheese
Congratulations: Savanna from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”The average woman will buy 157 of these over the course of her life. What is it?”
Answer: Jeans
Congratulations: Blake from Eldora
Today’s Question: ”59% of women do this before a date. What is it?”
Answer: Put on perfume
Congratulations: Laura from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”41% of people DO NOT want this for Valentine’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Teddy bear
Congratulations: Dolo from Melbourne
Today’s Question: “68% of people feel guilty when they do this behind their partner’s back. What is it?”
Answer: watch a Netflix show without them
Congratulations: Dennis in Gilman
Today’s Question: “95% of people say doing this makes them feel better after a bad day. What is it?”
Answer: Exercising
Congratulations: Shannon from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Couples say this seasonal public location is the third best place to propose. Where is it?”
Answer: A theme park or an amusement park
Congratulations: Aaron from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “People, who own this are 15 times more likely to be judged negatively. What is it?”
Answer: Apple iPhone
Congratulations: Dylan from Baxter
Today’s Question: “50% of women have canceled a date because of this. What is it?”
Answer: Bad hair day
Congratulations: Deb from Toledo
Today’s Question: “27% of women say this is the most romantic movie you can watch on Valentine’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: The Notebook
Congratulations: Garrett from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “49% of people say this is their least favorite pizza topping. What is it?”
Answer: Anchovies
Congratulations: Jesse from Gilbert
Today’s Question: “28% of people say they do this to support their favorite team. What is it?”
Answer: Pray
Congratulations: Kim from Albion
Today’s Question: “People will spend $933 million on this for Valentine’s Day. What is it?”
Answer: Greeting cards
Congratulations: Julie from Tama
Today’s Question: “28% of people say a great Super Bowl party has this homemade dish. What is it?”
Answer: Spinach dip
Congratulations: Audrey from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “25% of people would rather give up drinking than this. What is it?”
Answer: Netflix
Congratulations: Jessica from Tama
Today’s Question: “49% of people crave this on a daily basis. What is it?”
Answer: Cheese
Congratulations: Dennis from Gillman
Today’s Question: “12.5 million pounds of this meat will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday. What is it?”
Answer: Bacon
Congratulations: Danae in Toledo
Today’s Question: “7% of people say this is the best part of the Super Bowl. What is it?”
Answer: Eating snacks and food
Congratulations: Kip in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average person downs 1,795 calories every time they eat here. Where is it?”
Answer: When they go to the movies.
Congratulations: Deb in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Spicy food lovers are six times more likely than non-spicy food lovers to have done this adventurous activity. What is it?”
Answer: Gone bungee jumping
Congratulations: Gary from Jewell
Today’s Question: “15% of men have done this job. What is it?”
Answer: Mow the lawn
Congratulations: Tom from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “23% of people dip their chicken wings in this. What is it?”
Answer: Teriyaki sauce
Congratulations: Gayle from Garwin
Today’s Question: “Men say this is the fourth best thing about being a guy. What is it?”
Answer: Shave your legs, armpits etc
Congratulations: Kevin from Dallas
Today’s Question: “This is the top thing people have missed in order to watch an important NFL playoff game. What is it?”
Answer: Birthday party
Congratulations: Kelly from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “This is the top reason people cancel a date. What is it?”
Answer: Their date has a criminal record.
Congratulations: Sarah from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “16% of women have considered doing this to improve their appearance. What is it?”
Answer: Facelift
Congratulations: Ken in Eldora
Today’s Question: “28% of dogs eat this during the holiday season. What is it?”
Answer: Stuffing
Congratulations: Mitchell from Granger
Today’s Question: “43% of people do this when they are bored. What is it?”
Answer: Shop
Congratulations: Amber in Newton
Today’s Question: “61% of people have kissed this family member under the mistletoe. Who is it?”
Answer: Their Dog
Congratulations: Melanie from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “12% of people do this with their Xmas bonus. What is it?”
Answer: Invest
Congratulations: Jacob from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “Women clean this once a month while men clean it once a year. What is it?”
Answer: Windows
Congratulations: Sam in Ferguson
Today’s Question: “50% of singles do this before a date. What is it?”
Answer: Drink Alcohol
Congratulations: Al in Newton
Today’s Question: “It takes the average couple seven months before they are comfortable doing this in front of one another. What is it?”
Answer: Using the bathroom with the door open
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “75% of dieters would give this up for a year in exchange for losing 15 pounds. What is it?”
Answer: Access to social media
Congratulations: Devin from Monroe
Today’s Question – “37% of people would give up this in order to achieve the ideal body type. What is it?”
Answer: Fave Beer or Wine
Congratulations: Chris from LeGrand
Today’s Question: “65% of managers won’t hire someone if they fail to do this during an interview. What is it?”
Answer: Make Eye Contact
Congratulations: Andrea from Conrad
Today’s Question: “This is the second most popular thing kids save their money for. What is it?”
Answer: Legos
Congratulations: Emily of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “40% of people say others, who do this for a living are the most trustworthy. What is it?”
Answer: Pastor
Congratulations: Braden in Le Grand
Today’s Question: “15% of people say the smell of this food reminds them of Christmas. What is it?”
Answer: A roast turkey
Congratulations: Vivian in Union
Today’s Question: “20% of people have forgotten to buy this for children at Christmas. What is it?”
Answer: Batteries
Congratulations: Matt in Pella
Today’s Question: “27% of people say this is their favorite holiday drink. What is it?”
Answer: Warm Apple Cider
Congratulations: Betsy of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “13% of people have seen this at a holiday office party. What is it?”
Answer: Someone Passes Out
Congratulations: Krisei in LeGrand
Today’s Question: “20% of people immediately do this following a holiday office party. What is it?”
Answer: Take Tylenol
Congratulations: Stephanie from Eldora
Today’s Question: “21% of people say this is the hardest holiday dinner item to prepare. What is it?”
Answer: Gravy
Congratulations: Lynn from Des Moines
Today’s Question: “4% of hotels have had a guest steal this. What is it?”
Answer: A mattress
Congratulations: Jay of Nevada
Today’s Question: “This is the second worst holiday gift a man can buy for a woman. What is it?”
Answer: A scale (lotion is first)
Congratulations: Craig in State Center
Today’s Question: “This is the most craved food by pregnant women. What is it?”
Answer: Doritos/nacho chips
Congratulations: Lisa from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “61% of women DO NOT want this for Christmas. What is it?”
Answer: Lingerie
Congratulations: Carley from Clutier
Today’s Question: “50% of grandparents have gifted their grandkids with this unwanted clothing item. What is it?”
Answer: Ugly Xmas sweater
Congratulations: Alex in New Hartford
Today’s Question: “56% of people have busted their partner doing this in their home. What is it?”
Answer: Adjusting the thermostat.
Congratulations: Roxie in Albion
Today’s Question: “CiCi’s Pizza did a survey and found people, who put this on their pizza are trendsetters. What is it?”
Answer: Bacon
Congratulations: Brittany in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “53% of people have done this after a holiday office party. What is it?”
Answer: Take Tylenol
Congratulations: Chelsea in Beaman
Today’s Question: “The average person eats this seven times a month. What is it?”
Answer: French fries
Congratulations: Tyler from Brooklyn
Today’s Question: “The average person eats 5.3 pounds of this carb a year. What is it?”
Answer: sweet potatoes
Congratulations: Randy in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “13% of people have seen a co-worker do this at a holiday party. What is it?”
Answer: remove their clothes/strip
Congratulations: Debbie in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “46% of parents steal this food from their kids. What is it?”
Answer: Chips
Congratulations: Ashley from St. Anthony
Today’s Question: “15% of people have received this Secret Santa gift at work. What is it?”
Answer: Soap
Congratulations: Brenda in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “20% of people have made this home improvement before having friends and family over for the holidays. What is it?”
Answer: Paint their walls
Congratulations: Randy in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “38% of people would give this up if their partner asked them to. What is it?”
Answer: Meat
Congratulations: Murl of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average person eats this twice a week for breakfast. What is it?”
Answer: Toast
Congratulations: Michelle in Iowa Falls
Today’s Question: “60% of people say others, who reuse this are cheap. What is it?”
Answer: Coffee filters
Congratulations: Amy from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “49% of couples would be willing to give up intamacy for six months if it meant they could increase the size of this. What is it?”
Answer: Their closet
Congratulations: Casey from Stuart
Today’s Question: “98% of women say their partner should never wear this. What is it?”
Answer: Speedo
Congratulations: Michelle from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “51% of people check this on their phone at work. What is it?”
Extra Clue: not messages
Answer: The weather
Congratulations: Debbie from Liscomb
Today’s Question: “30% of women do this while talking a bath. What is it?”
Answer: Drink Wine
Congratulations: Jaymee from Eldora
Today’s Question: “25% of women have regular dreams about buying this. What is it?”
Answer: Shoes
Congratulations: Ashley from Montezuma
Today’s Question: “44% of people say eating this puts them in a food coma. What is it?”
Answer: Mashed potatoes
Congratulations: Gail in Garwin
Today’s Question: “73% of people say this is the worst thing about flying. What is it?”
Answer: Flight delays
Congratulations: Ashley in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “27% of women snack less when they are shopping for this. What is it?”
Answer: Swimsuit
Congratulations: Andrea of Garwin
Today’s Question: “The average woman will purchase 207 of these over the course of her life. What is it?”
Answer: Bras
Congratulations: Trisha from Toledo
Today’s Question: “18% of drivers get nervous on the highway because of this. What is it?”
Answer: Driving next to a truck
Congratulations: Brad in Mitchellville
Today’s Question: “48.5% of dieters say if they are going to break their diet they are going to do it with this. What is it?”
Answer: Pizza
Congratulations: Jeanine in Ackworth
Today’s Question: “A person needs to dance for 4 minutes to burn off 1 of this snack. What is it?”
Answer: One Dorito chip
Congratulations: Toni in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “49% of women want their partner to do this when they are sick. What is it?”
Answer: Cuddle
Congratulations: Annie in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “The average woman will purchase 220 of these over the course of her life. What is it?”
Answer: Candles
Congratulations: Connie in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: “14% of single men will swipe right on a dating app if they see a woman, who has this in her profile pics. What is it a picture of?”
Answer: Tattoo
Congratulations: Melinda of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ‘‘95% of men say having this makes them feel manly. What is it?”
Answer: Facial Hair
Congratulations: Ken in Eldora
Today’s Question: ”68% of women prefer to shop for this on their own. What is it?”
Answer: Lingerie
Congratulations: Paul in Hubbard
Today’s Question: ”If this food is cooked properly then it should stick to the wall when its done. What is it?”
Answer: Pasta
Congratulations: Tom in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”Singles, who mention this condiment in their online dating profile get 144% more messages than those who don’t. What is it?”
Answer: Guacamole
Congratulations: Cordell of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”48% of people have hid this purchase from a partner. What is it?”
Answer: Jewelry
Congratulations: Tim in Hubbard
Today’s Question: ”26% of people start doing this on November 1st. What is it?”
Answer: listening to holiday music
Congratulations: Ariel of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine reveals that this food is as addictive as drugs. What is it?”
Answer: Cheese
Congratulations: Austin in Colo
Today’s Question: ”79% of teens say this distracts them when they drive. What is it?”
Answer: GPS talking
Congratulations: Andrew in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”9% of married couples tell people they met here. Where is it?”
Answer: Coffee Shop
Congratulations: Carrie in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”44% of teens have no idea how to do this to their car. What is it?”
Answer: Jump start the battery
Congratulations: Amy of Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”A person would need to do 25 minutes on the elliptical to burn this sweet treat off. What is it?”
Answer: Caramel Apple
Congratulations: Garrett in Marshalltown!!
Today’s Question: “22% of people have never done this with their family. What is it?”
Answer: Attend a family reunion
Congratulations: Julie in Tama!!
Today’s Question: “6% of people had this with them when they took a driving test. What is it?”
Answer: Good Luck Charm
Congratulations: Jeff in Conrad!!
Today’s Question: “People in Oregon drink more of these than any other state. What is it?”
Answer: Pumpkin Spice Latte
Congratulations: Tim in Tama
Today’s Question: “58% of men say this is the first thing they judge a woman on. What is it?”
Answer: Teeth
Congratulations: Mark in Montezuma
Today’s Question: “15% of people say being on a diet has prevented them from eating this SPECIFIC sweet treat. What is it?”
Answer: Birthday Cake
Congratulations: Chris in Marshalltown!!
Today’s Question: ”50% of people do this while watching sports. What is it?”
Answer: Eat Pizza
Congratulations: Morgan in Melbourne
Today’s Question: ‘‘Women say if they won the lottery the first three things they would buy is a home, Tiffany’s jewelry and this designer. Who is the designer?
Answer: Christian Louboutin shoes
Congratulations: Ryan in Union!!
Today’s Question: ”27% of college students belong to this. What is it?”
Answer: Tinder
Congratulations: Ashley in Montezuma
Today’s Question: ”58% of men go to bed on a regular basis without doing this. What is it?”
Answer: Washing their face
Congratulations: Janet from Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”24% of people say this is the most unattractive drink a person can order on a date. What is it?”
Answer: An alcoholic apple cider
Congratulations: Chelsea of Lynnville!!
Today’s Question: ”Only 9% of women say it’s sexy when a man picks them up for a date while driving this. What is it?”
Answer: hybrid or electric car
Congratulations: Jared in Kamrar
Today’s Question: ”11% of women have never cooked this for a family dinner. What is it?”
Answer: A Roast
Congratulations: Morgan in Gilman
Today’s Question: ”21% of people immediately do this after breaking up with someone. What is it?”
Answer: Change their Facebook status to ‘single’
Congratulations: Austin in Melbourne
Today’s Question: ”10% of divorces occur because of this. What is it?”
Answer: Gambling debt
Congratulations: Brandon in Marshalltown
Today’s Question: ”50% of college students gain weight because they are downing pasta, pizza and this several times a week. What is the third item?”
Answer: Donuts
Congratulations: Kelli in Grinnell
Today’s Question: This is in your kitchen and has 750 times the normal level of bacteria that’s considered sage. What is it?
Answer: Salad Drawer in your fridge
Congratulations to Christy in Le Grand
Today’s Question: ”8% of parents will steal this candy from their kids this Halloween. What is it?”
Answer: Butterfinger bar
Congratulations: Marge in Albion
Question: ”51% of women would give this up for a year in order to have flawless skin. What is it?”
Answer: chocolate
Congratulations: Charlie from Newton
Q:”32% of women have been shamed by someone because they thought their choice of this was trashy. What is it?”
Answer: the book they are currently reading
Congratulations: Morgan from Melbourne
Q: ”8% of online daters post a picture of this on their profile. What is it?”
A: Their Car
Congratulations: Austin in Ames
Q: ”8% of couples have eaten this on a romantic date. What is it?”
A: Fondue
Congratulations: Amber in Newton
Q: ‘12.5% of women have had a dream about this person that they shouldn’t have had. Who is it?”
A: Partner’s brother
Congratulations: Shelby in Haverhill
Q: ‘41% of women are turned on by a guy who has this. What is it?”
A: Stubble or 5 o’clock shadow
Congratulations: Holli in Ankeny
Q: ”Relationship experts say couples that do this three times a day have a better chance of having a successful relationship than those who don’t. What is it?”
A: Hug
Congratulations: Missy in Toledo
Q: ”6 billion of these are sent each day. What is it?”
A: Emojis
Congratulations: Maureen of Marshalltown
Q: ”29% of singles say this is a dating turn-off. What is it?”
A: Dirty Fingernails
Congratulations: Bryce in Marshalltown
Q: ”25% of women have owned a pair of these for cold weather. What is it?”
A: Uggs boots
Congratulations: Jessie in Gilbert
Q: 90% of schools will serve this at lunch this year. What is it?”
A: Hamburgers
Congratulations: Janice in Marshalltown
Q: ”36% of women never get rid of this. What is it?”
A: Jeans
Congratulations: Corey from Des Moines
Q: ”66% of people do this when they are bored. What is it?”
A: Shop
Congratulations: Ashley in Marshalltown
Q: ”33% of people say if they had to choose a final meal they would eat this. What is it?”
A: Fried chicken
Congratulations: Doug from Marshalltown
Q: ”11% of men believe they look guilty when they do this for their partner. What is it?”
A: clean the house
Congratulations: Teagan of Marshalltown
Q: ”21% of mothers say if they were given an extra hour everyday they would use the hour to ___________ . What is it?”
A: Read
Congratulations: Meghan in Marshalltown
Q: “21% of women would rather give this up than their social media accounts. What is it?”
A: Wine
Congratulations: Debbie in Tama
Q: “33% of people have borrowed this without permission. What is it?”
A: Password for Netflix or Amazon Prime
Congratulation: Charity in Tama
Q: “10% of drivers have almost crashed while wearing this. What is it?”
A: Flip Flops
Congratulation: Levi in Grinnell
Q: “33% of kids refuse to eat this. What is it?”
A: Mushroom
Congratulation: Brandon in Le Grand
Q: “People use this on a daily basis. It has 106 times more bacteria and germs than a toilet seat. What is it?”
A: water bottle
Congratulation: Abby in Tama
Q: “7% of hotel housekeepers have found this left behind in a room. What is it?”
A: eyeglasses
Congratulation: Dave in Grundy Center
Q: “35% of singles have decided not to go on a second date with someone because they didn’t like this about them. What is it?”
A: Their cologne or perfume
Congratulation: Lyle in Chelsea
Q: “20% of people have lied about this on their resume. What is it?”
A: Their awards
Congratulation: Kyle in State Center
Q: “33% of parents do this before going back to school shopping. What is it?”
A: apply for a new credit card
Congratulation: Mike in Marshalltown
Q: “The average person waits five weeks before discussing this with their new partner. What is it?”
A: Religion
Congratulations: Justin in Clutier
Q: “56% of women won’t leave the house until this looks perfect. What is it?”
A: Eyebrows
Congratulations: Dee from Elderon
Q: “Around 15% of homes have one of these. What is it?”
A: smart speaker or virtual assistant like Alexa, Amazon Echo or Apple HomePod
Congratulations: Mitch in Pella
Q: “9% of women believe they are more productive at work when they are wearing this. What is it?”
A: Their favorite lipstick color
Congratulations: Dave in Marshalltown
Q: “8% of Millenials do this on a regular basis while driving. What is it?”
A: Video chat (Skype or FaceTime)
Congratulations: Vivian of Belle Plaine
Q: “92% of women love when this makes a man cry. What is it?”
A: Wedding
Congratulations: Connie in Marshalltown
Q: “44% of people say they have to do this on vacation. What is it?”
A: Walk on a beach at sunset
Congratulations: Andrea from Garwin
Q: “Men (55%) now do this more than women (43%) during the school year. What is it?”
A: Prepare kid’s lunches
Congratulations: Jenna in Nebraska
Q: “18% of women have gotten this behind their partner’s back. What is it?”
A: A credit card
Congratulations: Gail in Garwin
Q: “8% of people have checked this while on the toilet. What is it?”
A: Messages from their dating profile
Congratulations: Sam in Melbourne
Q: “15% of people say this is the most romantic place to share a kiss. Where is it?”
A: In front of a fireplace
Congratulations: Clay in Sully
Q: “37% of men do this seven times a week while driving. What is it?”
A: Send a text message
Congratulations: Jamie of Ames
Q: “72% of people have bought this even though they can’t pronounce it. What is it?”
A: Wine
Congratulations: Shelly in Newton
Q: “2% of people have grossed others out by admitting that they kissed this. What is it?”
A: A Lizard or Snake
Congratulations: Page of State Center
Q: “37% of people say watching this puts them in a good mood. What is it?
A: a sunset or sunrise
Congratulations: Brad of Marshalltown
Q: “Normally found in the bedroom, 56% of people have kept one of these for more than 20 years. What is it?”
A: Stuffed Animal
Congratulations: Neveah in Brooklyn
Q: “12% of people have done this before kissing. What is it?”
A: used Chapstick
Congratulations: Kim in Marshalltown:
Q: 30% of people have done this while driving. What is it?”
A: Driven through a stop light
Congratulations: Johnny the Conquer from Marshalltown
Q: “33% of diehard pet owners have gifted their pet with this on their birthday. What is it?”
A: A Birthday Cake
Congratulations: Melissa in Marshalltown
Q: “3% of men have done this to improve the appearance on their frontside. What is it?”
A: Wax their Chest
Congratulations: Carley in Lutier
Q: “Doing this household chore burns 41 calories. What is it?”
A: Folding Laundry
Congratulations: James in Eldora
Q: “57% of women won’t date a man, who has this hygiene problem. What is it?”
A: Smelly Feet
Congratulations: Michelle in Steamboat Rock
Q: “20% of people will visit this local outdoor location this Summer. What is it?”
A: Dog Park
Congratulations: Kale and Kajun in Legrand
Q: “43% of people have experienced this on a road trip. What is it?”
A: A Flat Tire
Congratulations: Gavin in Gillman
Q: “People, who wear this have no idea that it is three times dirtier than a toilet seat. What is it?”
A: A Watch
Congratulations: Kevin in Laurel
Q: “37% of Millenials haven’t purchased this grooming essential in the last year. What is it?”
A: Deodorant
Congratulations: Joey in Grinnell
Q: “16% of people say this is their least favorite veggie. What is it?”
A: Asparagus
Congratulations: Scott in Steamboat Rock
Q: “98% of fathers love receiving this gift for Father’s Day. What is it?
A: Tools
Congratulations: Andrew in Marshalltown
Q: “This is the top food item that people have broken a diet with while quarantining. What is it?”
A: A piece of Cake
Congratulations: Kimberly in Ames
Q: “27% of vegetarians have eaten this while drunk. What is it?
A: Bacon
Congratulations: Miranda in Marshalltown
Q: “31% of kids use their pocket money to buy this. What is it?”
A: Video Games
Congratulations: Kellie in Eldora
Q: “4% of people have lied about this in the education portion of their resume. What is it?”
Congratulations Lisa in Haverhill
Q: “39% of men have used this product to improve their appearance. What is it?”
A: Spray Tan
Congratulations: Jeremiah in Union
Q: “24% of people have more pictures on their phone of this than their partner. What is it?”
A: Their dog
Congratulations: Dan in Newton
Q: “28% of people say others shouldn’t wear this article of clothing when dining out. What is it?”
A: Tank Top
Congratulations: Cam in Liscomb
Q: “88% of dog owners do this on a daily basis because they think their dog likes it. What is it?”
A: Sing to them
Congratulations: Jack and mom Lisa from State Center
Q: “38% of people have borrowed this from a roommate without telling them. What is it?”
A: Lotion
Congratulations: Rosemary of Iowa Falls
Q: Eating this candy, 20% of people mix the flavors to create their own flavor combination. What is it?”
A: Skittles
Congratulations: Kip in Marshalltown
Q: “42% of people do this when they have a cold. What is it?”
A: Gargle Salt Water
Congratulations: Terry in Albion
Q: “30% of parents feel closer to their kids when they do this with them. What is it?”
A: watch TV (Netflix)
Congratulations: Ron in Marshalltown
Q: “20% of men have lied to this person. Who is it?”
A: Their Doctor
Congratulations: Jenny from Conrad
Q: “Doctors say owning one of these is good for your heart because it makes you more physically active. What is it?”
A: A Dog
Congratulations: Jeanine of Ackworth
Q: “24% of people never clean this even though they wear it every day. What is it?”
A: Watch
Congratulations: Erin of Des Moines
Q: “42% of people eat this for breakfast. What is it?’
A: Bacon
Congratulations: Casey in Beaman
Q: “28% of people do this when they make a home cooked meal. What is it?
A: Listen to music
Congratulations: Rodney in Marshalltown
Q: “80% of people have tasted this produce in a grocery store without paying for it. What is it?”
A: Strawberries
Congratulations: Jason in Beaman
Q: “46% of parents have made this with their kids while quarantining. What is it?”
A: Cookies
Congratulations: Kale from Melbourne
Q: “38% of people still do this as adults at the dinner table even though it is childish and immature. What is it?”
A: Blow bubbles in a drink
Congratulations: Chris in Marshalltown
Q: “The average man has never cleaned this in their home. What is it?
A: Inside of their oven
Congratulations: Lucas of Conrad
Q: “If 20% of brides could go back in time and change this about their wedding, they would. What is it?”
A: Wedding venue/location
Congratulations: Michelle in Steamboat Rock
Q:“14% of parents place this in Easter baskets. What is it?”
A: Money
Congratulations: Kelly in Marshalltown
Q: “37% of women would be willing to give this up in exchange for never having to do housework again. What is it?”
A: alcohol/beer/wine
Congratulations: Paul in Tama
Q: “13% of people would rather spend a night in jail than do this in the Spring. What is it?”
A: File taxes
Congratulations: Mike in Colfax
Q: “15% of cheating men have owned this pet. What is it?”
A: A Reptile
Congratulations: Missy in Toledo
Q: “94% of women have used their rear-view mirror to do this while driving. What is it?”
A: Pluck a facial hair
Congratulations: Amy of Marshalltown
Q: “21% of people fake this when they want to end a conversation or their time with someone. What is it?”
A: Fake yawn
Congratulations: Alyssa of Altoona
4-2-20 –
Q: “76% of college students experience this at one time or another. What is it?”
A: Going broke (no money)
Congratulations: Kim in Marshalltown
Q: “38% of women dislike it when their partner does this when driving. What is it?”
A: Tailgating
Congratulations: Dan from Newton
Q: “40% of women, have this in common when it comes to their appearance. What is it?”
A: A Tattoo
Congratulations: Lyle of Chelsea
Q: “42% of people have this food at every barbecue and cookout. What is it?”
A: Baked Beans
Congratulations: Lori of Marshalltown
Q: “4% of people claim they get their exercise by doing this. What is it?”
A: Playing video games
Congratulations: Tony of Newton
Q: “45% of singles would like to do this adventure on a date. What is it?”
A: hot air balloon ride
Congratulations: Dylan of Baxter
Q: “58% of people do this when their dog has a birthday. What is it?”
A: Sing Happy Birthday
Congratulations: Paren of Union
Q: “20% of people have downed this on a first date. What is it?
A: Tequila
Congratulations: Kathy from Winona MN
Q: “12% of people walk by this once a day at work. What is it?”
A: Vending Machine
Congratulations: Dennis of Gillman
Q: “Women say these are the top two things they like to splurge on. Flowers and ______________. What is it?
A: Jeans
Congratulations: Terry of Beaman
Q: “Drinking three of these a day can cut a man’s cancer risk by 53%. What is it?”
A: Espresso
Congratulations: Mike of Ankeny
Q: Researchers say drinking this makes you smarter because it has high levels of oxygen-enhancing nitrates and nitric oxide. What is it?”
A: Beet Juice
Congratulations: Joe of Marshalltown
Q: “People are 41% less likely to get a LIKE if they wear _____________ in their dating app and social media pictures. What is it?”
A: Sunglasses
Congratulations: Mike of Marshalltown
Q: “15% of women have done this before a wedding. What is it?”
A: Botox
Congratulations: Paige of Marshalltown
Q: 2% of people own this pet…what is it?
A: Hampster
Q: Online daters, who send messages that compliment someone’s _____ get 11% more responses. What is it?”
A: Eyes